0x767676 / crowdsec-mikrotik

Propagating CrowdSec's decisions to firewalls
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Propagating CrowdSec's decisions to firewalls

Installing the blocklists on RouterOS

  1. Host the .rsc generated by the script somewhere your MikroTik can fetch it
  2. Set up the script:
    /system script 
    add name="dl-cs-blocklist" source={/tool fetch url="<YOUR-URL>/list.rsc" mode=https}
    add name="imp-cs-blocklist" source {/ip firewall address-list remove [find where list="cs-block"]; /import file-name=cs-block.rsc}
  3. Schedule the script to run at an interval:
    /system scheduler 
    add interval=5m name="fetch-cs-blocklist" start-date=Jan/01/2022 start-time=01:01:01 on-event=dl-cs-blocklist
    add interval=5m name="import-cs-blocklist" start-date=Jan/01/2022 start-time=02:02:02 on-event=imp-cs-blocklist

Installing the blocklists on other Firewalls

Use the .txt file generated.