0x978 / GeoGuessr_Resolver

A script which returns the correct location in Geoguessr
44 stars 7 forks source link

Geogussr Location resolver and Instant Guesser.

A small Javascript application which finds the correct location in the online game Geogussr.

The user has the choice to place a pin in a location close to the location, place a pin on the exact location or open the location in Google Maps.

How to use

This application is a Tampermonkey Script, therefore, you will need to install the tampermonkey extension:

After this, just simply add the code in Release.js as a new script.

To use this script:



This completely ruins the fun of the game, I made this to experiment with creating Tampermonkey scripts to modify website behaviour and because it's fun to reverse engineer this stuff.

Please use at your own risk, and don't ruin other's fun.
