0xB10C / bademeister-go

Implementation of Bademeister, a mempool watcher and recorder, in Golang.
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Bademeister implementation in Golang.

What is bademeister?

Bademeister records the mempool history of a Bitcoin Core node and provides access to the data over an API.

It stores the time when a transaction was first received by a bitcoin node, including transactions that do not end up in the blockchain (double-spends).


While the bitcoin blockchain contains all transactions that get eventually confirmed, the confirmation time (time between a transaction first appearing on the network and being included into a block by a miner) is not recorded on-chain.

Having a record of confirmation time allows research and benchmark of fee estimation algorithms and other applications.

Design Goals


Git Hooks

Please set up git hooks to run go fmt and other linters:

git config core.hooksPath .git_hooks