0xC0ncord / MasterServerMirror

MasterServerMirror is a server actor for Unreal Tournament 2004 servers to list the server in multiple master servers.
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MasterServerMirror is a server actor for Unreal Tournament 2004 servers that creates additional master server uplinks as configured by the server administrator. Its primary purpose is to allow servers who have switched their primary master server to OpenSpy to continue to be listed in Epic's official master server until it is shut down on January 24th, 2023.


Download the latest release and install it to your server's System/ directory. Then, to activate the mod, do the following:

  1. Add the server actor to your ServerActors:
  2. Edit the master server list, if desired, in MasterServerMirror.ini. An example configuration is provided in the source code and in the releases. The configuration for the MasterServerList follows the same format as IpDrv.MasterServerLink in UT2004.ini. More than one master server may be specified, and the server actor will take care of creating an uplink for each one.

    Note that you do not need to add MasterServerMirror to your ServerPackages as the mod is only required on the server.

If done correctly you should see multiple master server uplinks at server startup:

Resolving utmaster.openspy.net...
Creating master server uplink for ut2004master1.epicgames.com:28902
Resolving ...
Resolving ut2004master1.epicgames.com...
MasterServerUplink: Resolved utmaster.openspy.net as
MasterServerUplink: Resolved ut2004master1.epicgames.com as
MasterServerUplink: Connection to utmaster.openspy.net established.
MasterServerUplink: Connection to ut2004master1.epicgames.com established.
Master server assigned our MatchID: 1234
Master server requests heartbeat 0 with code 3716
Master server requests heartbeat 1 with code 3716
Master server assigned our MatchID: 0


MasterServerMirror is licensed under the Open Unreal Mod License version 1.1. See LICENSE for details.
