0xFable / capsule

Truffle for Terra and beyond! Capsule is small Python SDK tool you can use to deploy Terra CosmWasm contracts to a given Terra (Cosmos SDK Based) chain.
MIT License
13 stars 1 forks source link


capsule is a small tool with a simple but noble goal; to make deployment of CosmWasm contracts easier.

Firstly we are targeting Terra as the Sponsor User chain as we build out the capsule tool. Eventually we aim to make capsule one of the tools of choice for deploying CosmWasm contracts on all chains!

Quick video detailing how it works

 Whats New


Install from pypi

pip install -i https://test.pypi.org/simple/ capsule

We have published the package also under capsule_terra. This is temporary until a final package namespace is chosen.

pip install -i https://test.pypi.org/simple/ capsule_terra
pip install -i https://test.pypi.org/simple/ capsule_terra

Install locally

Git clone the project and change into its parent directory.

git clone

Install the project using setup tools.

python setup.py install

Access the tool using the command line.

capsule -h

Note: If you have an issue with the above an the command line tool, depending on your platform you will need to prepare a standard distribution and install that. To do so here is two commands together:

python setup.py sdist && pip install dist/capsule-0.0.0.tar.gz

Setup Rust

While WASM smart contracts can theoretically be written in any programming language, we currently only recommend using Rust as it is the only language for which mature libraries and tooling exist for CosmWasm. For this tutorial, you'll need to also install the latest version of Rust by following the instructions here.

Then run the following commands

# set 'stable' as default release channel (used when updating rust)
rustup default stable

# add wasm as compilation target
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown

# for generating contract
cargo install cargo-generate --features vendored-openssl
cargo install cargo-run-script


The capsule tool offers the ability to store details you need in a configuration file using the toml format.

The config file by default is located in a capsule specific hidden directory at the home dir level: ~/.capsule It is possible also to specify the path to a custom config file using the CAPSULE_CONFIG_FILE environment variable.

Something to be explored is also enabling both the Mnemonic and the chain to deploy too as env vars also. If this was to happen the order of priority would then become Credentials in the environment -> Config file in the environment -> Default or specified config file. Following this pattern in theory should make this tool very easy to use in CI/CD as a given user can just specify the Mnemonic and chain ID for as secrets in the job for a quick start.


This project uses Github Actions to perform automatic testing on each push and PR as well as a deployment to both test and prod pypi.

Some notes: When deploying to pypi, a version number can only be deployed once! All subsequent deployments will get a 400 and the job will fail.

As a procedure we should update the version number when a new deployed build is needed. Or have its patch versions done automatically.

Lastly the production build which pushes to Pypi only works with a tagged commit.

Available Commands and Usage


Deploy a given cosm wasm contract artifact to a chain of your choice

capsule deploy -h
    $ capsule deploy -p ./my_contract.wasm -c columbus-5
    $ capsule deploy --path ./artifacts/my_contract.wasm --chain tequila-0004
    $ capsule deploy -p artifacts/capsule_test.wasm -i '{"count":17}' -c bombay-12
    $ capsule deploy -p artifacts/capsule_test.wasm -u "true" -c columbus-5

Helper tool which enables you to programatically deploy a Wasm contract artifact to a chain as a code object and instantiate it

Deploy - from contract template to live on testnet

Getting a brand new contract into a main net or even a testnet can seem like a daunting task at first. Here is a simple enough 4 step process to get your contract live with capsule:

cargo generate --git https://github.com/CosmWasm/cw-template.git --branch 0.16 --name capsule_test
docker run --rm -v "$(pwd)":/code  --mount type=volume,source="$(basename "$(pwd)")_cache",target=/code/target  --mount type=volume,source=registry_cache,target=/usr/local/cargo/registry  cosmwasm/rust-optimizer:0.12.3
touch ~/.capsule/config.toml

Capsule config file example

mnemonic="my mem"



capsule deploy -p artifacts/capsule_test.wasm -i '{"count":17}' -c bombay-12
    $ capsule deploy -p ./my_contract.wasm -c columbus-5
    $ capsule deploy --path ./artifacts/my_contract.wasm --chain tequila-0004
    $ capsule deploy -p artifacts/capsule_test.wasm -i '{"count":17}' -c bombay-12

Helper tool which enables you to programmatically deploy a Wasm contract artifact to a chain as a code object and instantiate it

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p PACKAGE, --package PACKAGE
                        (required) Name of new or path to existing package
  -i INITMSG, --initmsg INITMSG
                        (Optional) The initialization message for the contract you are trying to deploy. Must be a json-like str
  -c CHAIN, --chain CHAIN
                        (Optional) A chain to deploy too. Defaults to localterra

Local - get your own Ganache-CLI for Terra

Helper tool which attempts to git clone the localterra repo and then compose it as services which you can use for local dev env contract testing

For this one you need to ensure you have both Git and Docker with Docker started and ready to be used. Everything else is handled via python.

capsule local

And boom

capsule local --down

With this level of control there is a bunch of config options that could be exposed here, if you want any pls open an issue!

Query - perform queries on smart contracts without wasmd

Helper tool which exposes the ability to perform queries on chain specific contract addresses

    $ capsule query --contract <addr> --chain=<> --query=<query>

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -a ADDRESS, --address ADDRESS
                        (required) Contract Address to perform query on
  -q QUERY, --query QUERY
                        (Optional) The query message for the contract you are trying to query. Must be a json-like str
  -c CHAIN, --chain CHAIN
                        (Optional) A chain to deploy too. Defaults to localterra

Execute - quickly test actions without making scripts

Helper tool which exposes the ability to prepare and sending ExecuteMsg's on chain specific contract addresses

    $ capsule execute --contract <addr> --chain <chain> --msg <msg>

Helper tool which exposes the ability to prepare and sending ExecuteMsg's on chain specific contract addresses

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -a ADDRESS, --address ADDRESS
                        (required) Contract Address to perform query on
  -m MSG, --msg MSG     (Optional) The execution message for the contract you are trying to execute an action on. Must be a json-like str
  -c CHAIN, --chain CHAIN
                        (Optional) A chain to deploy too. Defaults to localterra

Verify - quickly perform Smart Contract Verification (SCV)

    $ capsule verify -p ./<path_to_my_contracts_root> -c columbus-5 -i 3
    $ capsule verify --path ./<path_to_my_contracts_root> --chain tequila-0004
    $ capsule verify -p <path_to_my_contracts_root> -c bombay-12 -i 300

Helper tool which enables you to perform a Smart Contract Verification (SCV) by providing the path to a single smart-contract repo and providing a code id. The project path is passed either to
`cargo run-script optimize` or to a custom docker invocation for ARM64 to create an optmized production wasm of the contract for comparison. The code id is used to query a stored code object's
byte_code on the respective chain. Once the byte_code is gathered we get the SHA256 of this to compare to our locally prepared optimized wasm. If the SHA265 of on chain code object matches the
SHA256 checksum on the optimized build we have verified the contact. Note: The outputted SHA256 and locally build optimized build will be different on ARM vs Intel. An ARM machine can only
really be used to verify images which were built and uploaded from an ARM machine

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p PACKAGE, --package PACKAGE
                        (required) Name of new or path to existing package
  -i CODEID, --codeid CODEID
                        The code_id to compare the provided contract against
  -c CHAIN, --chain CHAIN
                        (Optional) A chain to deploy too. Defaults to localterra
  -n, --nobuild         (Optional) Skip the building and go right to comparing the onchain code with your own. This assumes you already ran an optimized build and saves you rebuilding each time
                        you run verify command