0xJs / domain_audit

Audit tool for Active Directory. Automates a lot of checks from a pentester perspective.
GNU General Public License v3.0
156 stars 34 forks source link

Domain Audit

The tool is a wrapper around PowerView, Impacket, PowerUpSQL, BloodHound, Ldaprelayscan and Crackmapexec to automate the execution of enumeration and a lot of checks performed during a On-Prem Active Directory Penetrationtest. Thanks to all the authors of the original tools.

Installation & Setup

Running domain_audit

Run all checks

PS C:\Users\user\Desktop> . C:\Tools\domain_audit\domain_audit.ps1
PS C:\Users\user\Desktop> Invoke-ADCheckAll -Domain "amsterdam.bank.local" -User "john" -Password "Welcome2022!" -Server

Run seperate checks

Set dns and host file

Invoke-ChangeDNS -Server -Domain "amsterdam.bank.local"

Run a check

Invoke-ADEnum -Domain "amsterdam.bank.local" -User "john" -Password "Welcome2022!" -Server
Invoke-ADEnumTrust -Domain "amsterdam.bank.local" -User "john" -Password "Welcome2022!" -Server
Invoke-ADCheckSQL -Domain "amsterdam.bank.local" -User "john" -Password "Welcome2022!" -Server


The tool will create a directory with the domain name and date on current directory or in the supplied location. In this directory there are three directories:


Invoke-ADCheckAll will execute the following in order:

TO-DO & Features

Example output Invoke-ADCheckAll

PS C:\Users\user\Desktop> . C:\Tools\domain_audit\domain_audit.ps1
PS C:\Users\user\Desktop> Invoke-ADCheckAll -Domain "amsterdam.bank.local" -User "john" -Password "Welcome2022!" -Server

[+] Running as administrator, changing DNS to and adding amsterdam.bank.local to host file
[+] AD Authentication for amsterdam.bank.local\john succeeded!
[+] Output will be written in C:\Users\user\Desktop\amsterdam.bank.local-2022-08-22

---------- DATA EXPLAINED ----------
- All data is written to C:\Users\user\Desktop\amsterdam.bank.local-2022-08-22\
- In this folder are three subfolders
- files in \findings\ are findings that should be reported
- files in \checks\ needs to be checked
- files in \data\ is raw data

---------- COLORS EXPLAINED ----------
White is informational text
Green means check has passed
Yellow means manually check the data
Dark Red means finding

---------- GATHERING DATA ----------
[+] Gathering data of all Users, Groups, Computerobject, GPO's, OU's, DC's and saving it to csv
[+] Gathering BloodHound data all, session and ACL in seperate PowerShell session in background

---------- BASIC ENUMERATION ----------
[W] Saving a list of all users to C:\Users\user\Desktop\amsterdam.bank.local-2022-08-22\data\list_users.txt
[W] Saving a list of all enabled users to C:\Users\user\Desktop\amsterdam.bank.local-2022-08-22\data\list_users_enabled.txt
[W] Saving a list of all administrators to C:\Users\user\Desktop\amsterdam.bank.local-2022-08-22\data\list_administrators.txt
[W] Saving a list of all groups to C:\Users\user\Desktop\amsterdam.bank.local-2022-08-22\data\list_groups.txt
[W] Saving a list of all computerobjects to C:\Users\user\Desktop\amsterdam.bank.local-2022-08-22\data\list_computers.txt

---------- DOMAIN INFORMATION ----------
The domain functional level is: Windows 2016
In the domain amsterdam.bank.local there are:
- 27 users and 25 enabled users
- 51 groups
- 4 computers
- 4 OU's
- 2 GPO's
- 3 Administrators
- 1 Domain Controllers

---Checking if amount of admins is more then 5% of all users---
[-] There are 3 administrators, which is 11.11% of all users
[W] Writing to C:\Users\user\Desktop\amsterdam.bank.local-2022-08-22\findings\large_amount_of_administrators.txt

---------- ENUMERATING DOMAIN TRUSTS ----------
[+] The domain amsterdam.bank.local trusts 1 domains which are:
[W] Writing to C:\Users\user\Desktop\amsterdam.bank.local-2022-08-22\data\trusts.txt

[+] The trust for domain bank.local is WITHIN_FOREST, enumerating trusts
[+] The domain bank.local trusts 2 domains which are:
[W] Writing to C:\Users\user\Desktop\amsterdam.bank.local-2022-08-22\data\trusts.txt

---Checking if AzureAD connect is in use---
[+] AzureAD connect is not installed

---Checking if Azure SSO is in use---
[+] Azure SSO is not configured

---------- EXECUTING CHECKS ----------
[+] Executing in another window because runas is required
[+] Pleace manually supply the Password Welcome2022!
--- Running SQL checks in new window ---
Enter the password for amsterdam.bank.local\john:
Attempting to start powershell.exe -Exec bypass -NoExit Import-Module C:\Tools\domain_audit\domain_audit.ps1; Set-Variable Findings_Path -Value C:\Users\user\Desktop\amsterdam.bank.local-2022-08-22\findings; Set-Variable Data_Path -Value C:\Users\user\Desktop\amsterdam.bank.local-2022-08-22\data; Set-Variable Checks_Path -Value C:\Users\user\Desktop\amsterdam.bank.local-2022-08-22\checks; Set-Variable OutputDirectoryCreated -Value True; Invoke-ADCheckSQL -Domain amsterdam.bank.local -Server -User john -Password Welcome2022! -SkipPrompt as user "amsterdam.bank.local\john" ...

---Checking password policy---
[+] Passwordpolicy contains ClearTextPassword=0. Domain controller does not save passwords in cleartext
[-] Password length requirement is 7 characters
[-] PasswordComplexity is 0 (Disabled)!
[-] LockOutBadCount is 0, accounts wont be locked!
[-] ResetLockoutCount is not set
[-] LockoutDuration is not set
Writing password policy to C:\Users\user\Desktop\amsterdam.bank.local-2022-08-22\findings\passwordpolicy.txt

---Checking if there is a GPO with LAPS---
[-] There is no GPO with LAPS in their name

---Checking if LAPS is enabled on any computerobject---
[-] There are no systems where LAPS is enabled
[W] Writing to C:\Users\user\Desktop\amsterdam.bank.local-2022-08-22\findings\laps_notenabled.txt

---Checking description field for passwords---
[-] There are 4 users that have a description, please manually check for passwords!
[W] Writing to C:\Users\user\Desktop\amsterdam.bank.local-2022-08-22\checks\description_users.txt

---Checking groups description field for interesting information---
[-] There are 45 groups that have a description, please manually check for passwords or interesting information!
[W] Writing to C:\Users\user\Desktop\amsterdam.bank.local-2022-08-22\checks\description_groups.txt

---Checking computerobjects description field for interesting information---
[+] There are no computerobjects with a description

---Checking kerberoastable administrators---
[-] There are 1 kerberoastable administrators
[W] Writing to C:\Users\user\Desktop\amsterdam.bank.local-2022-08-22\findings\administrators_serviceprincipalname.txt

---Checking kerberoastable users---
[-] There are 2 kerberoastable users
[W] Writing to C:\Users\user\Desktop\amsterdam.bank.local-2022-08-22\findings\users_serviceprincipalname.txt
[+] Requested 2 hashes, please crack with hashcat
[W] Writing to C:\Users\user\Desktop\amsterdam.bank.local-2022-08-22\findings\users_kerberoast_hashes.txt

---Checking if there are users with the DONT_REQ_PREAUTH attribute---
[-] There are 2 users with the attribute DONT_REQ_PREAUTH
[W] Writing to C:\Users\user\Desktop\amsterdam.bank.local-2022-08-22\findings\users_dontrequirepreath.txt
[+] Requested 2 hashes, please crack with hashcat
[W] Writing to C:\Users\user\Desktop\amsterdam.bank.local-2022-08-22\findings\users_aspreproast_hashes.txt

---Checking constrained delegation users---
[-] There are 1 users that have constrained delegation enabled
[W] Writing to C:\Users\user\Desktop\amsterdam.bank.local-2022-08-22\findings\users_constrained_delegation.txt

---Checking unconstrained delegation computerobjects, excluding domain-controllers---
[-] There are 1 users that have unconstrained delegation enabled
[W] Writing to C:\Users\user\Desktop\amsterdam.bank.local-2022-08-22\findings\users_unconstrained_delegation.txt

---Checking constrained delegation computerobjects---
[+] There are no computerobjects with constrained delegation

---Checking unconstrained delegation computerobjects, excluding domain-controllers---
[-] There are 1 computerobjects that have unconstrained delegation enabled
[W] Writing to C:\Users\user\Desktop\amsterdam.bank.local-2022-08-22\findings\computers_unconstrained_delegation.txt

---Checking resource based constrained delegation computerobjects---
[+] There are no computerobjects with resource based constrained delegation

---Checking if there are users with the PASSWD_NOTREQD attribute---
[-] There are 2 users with the attribute PASSWD_NOTREQD
[W] Writing to C:\Users\user\Desktop\amsterdam.bank.local-2022-08-22\findings\users_passwdnotreqd.txt

---Checking for users with empty password---
[-] The password for user bank_dev is empty
[-] The password for user steve is empty

---Checking if there are users with the DONT_EXPIRE_PASSWORD attribute---
[-] There are 17 users with the attribute DONT_EXPIRE_PASSWORD
[W] Writing to C:\Users\user\Desktop\amsterdam.bank.local-2022-08-22\findings\users_dontexpirepassword.txt

---Checking if there are users with the reversible encryption---
[+] There are no users with reversible encryption

---Checking if there are users with DES encryption---
[+] There are no users with DES encryption

---Checking if administrator accounts - that aren't disabled - have a password older then 365 days---
[+] There where no enabled administrators with a password older then 365 days

---Checking if KRBTGT account has a password older then 365 days---
[+] The password from the krbtgt is not older then 365 days

---Checking if there are EOL operating systems in the AD---
[+] There are no computerobjects in the AD that are EOL

---Checking if there are end of service Windows 10 operating systems in the AD---
[+] There are no Windows 10 computerobjects computerobjects in the AD that are End Of Service

---Checking if there are computerobjects that have no login or login/pwdlastset older then 365 days---
[+] There are no computerobjects in the AD that are inactive

---Checking if there are users that didn't login for 365 days---
[+] There are no users in the AD that are inactive (didn't login or changed their password in the last 365 days)

---Checking if members of privileged groups are part of the protected users group---
[-] There are 3 privileged users not part of the protected users group
[W] Writing to C:\Users\user\Desktop\amsterdam.bank.local-2022-08-22\findings\administrators_notin_protectedusersgroup.txt

---Checking if members of privileged groups have the flag 'this account is sensitive and cannot be delegated'---
[-] There are 3 privileged users without the flag 'this account is sensitive and cannot be delegated' that aren't in the Protected Users group
[W] Writing to C:\Users\user\Desktop\amsterdam.bank.local-2022-08-22\findings\administrators_delegation_flag.txt

---Checking if there are members in high privileged groups---
[+] There are no users in the Account Operators group
[+] There are no users in the Backup Operators group
[+] There are no users in the Print Operators group
[+] There are no users in the DNS Admins group
[+] There are no users in the Schema Admins group

---Checking if there are computerobjects part ofhigh privileged groups---
[+] There are no computerobjects part of a high privileged groups

---Checking who can add computerobjects to the domain---
[-] The authenticated users group(S-1-5-11) can add 10 computerobjects to the domain
[W] Writing to C:\Users\user\Desktop\amsterdam.bank.local-2022-08-22\findings\authenticated_users_can_join_domain.txt
[W] Writing amount of computerobjects that can be joined to the domain by the object to C:\Users\user\Desktop\amsterdam.bank.local-2022-08-22\checks\can_join_domain_amount.txt

---Checking if there are passwords in the SYSVOL share---
This might take a while
[+] Checking SYSVOL of DC02
[-] There might be 1 passwords in the SYSVOL of DC02. Please manually check
Writing to C:\Users\user\Desktop\amsterdam.bank.local-2022-08-22\checks\sysvol_passwords.txt

---Checking if there are passwords in the NETLOGON share---
This might take a while
[+] Checking NETLOGON of DC02
[-] There might be 1 passwords(string pass) in the NETLOGON of DC02. Please manually check
Writing to C:\Users\user\Desktop\amsterdam.bank.local-2022-08-22\checks\netlogon_passwords.txt

---Checking printspooler service on each DC---
[-] Printspooler enabled on DC02
Writing to C:\Users\user\Desktop\amsterdam.bank.local-2022-08-22\findings\printspooler_domaincontrollers.txt

---Running LdapRelayScan---
[W] Writing to C:\Users\user\Desktop\amsterdam.bank.local-2022-08-22\data\domaincontrollers_ldaprelayscan.txt

---Checking for LDAP signing---
[+] One or more domain controller(s) does not require LDAP signing
[W] Writing to C:\Users\user\Desktop\amsterdam.bank.local-2022-08-22\findings\domaincontrollers_no_ldap_signing.txt

---Checking for LDAPS binding---
[+] One or more domain controller(s) does not require LDAPS binding
[W] Writing to C:\Users\user\Desktop\amsterdam.bank.local-2022-08-22\findings\domaincontrollers_no_ldaps_binding.txt

---Checking if exchange is used within the domain---
[+] No Exchange groups exist

---Checking which machines are reachable from current machine through ping---
[+] There are 3 computers which are reachable
[W] Writing to C:\Users\user\Desktop\amsterdam.bank.local-2022-08-22\data\computers_accessible.txt

---Running crackmapexec against each reachable host enumerating SMB data and shares---
[+] Crackmapexec will hang and needs a enter to continue
[W] Writing to C:\Users\user\Desktop\amsterdam.bank.local-2022-08-22\data\crackmapexec_reachablecomputers.txt

---Checking for hosts which have SMBV1 enabled---
[+] There are no reachable computers which have SMBV1 enabled (SMBv1:True)

---Checking for hosts without signing---
[+] There are 2 reachable computers which does not require signing (Signing:False)
[W] Writing to C:\Users\user\Desktop\amsterdam.bank.local-2022-08-22\findings\computers_nosigning.txt

---Checking for shares with READ access---
[+] There are 4 shares the current user can READ
[W] Writing to C:\Users\user\Desktop\amsterdam.bank.local-2022-08-22\data\shares_read_access.txt

---Checking for shares with WRITE access---
[+] There are 1 shares the current user can WRITE to
[W] Writing to C:\Users\user\Desktop\amsterdam.bank.local-2022-08-22\data\shares_write_access.txt

---Running crackmapexec against each reachable host enumerating webclient service---
[+] Crackmapexec will hang and needs a enter to continue
[W] Writing all data to C:\Users\user\Desktop\amsterdam.bank.local-2022-08-22\data\crackmapexec_webdav.txt

[+] There are 1 systems with the webclient service running
[W] Writing to C:\Users\user\Desktop\amsterdam.bank.local-2022-08-22\findings\computers_webdav.txt

---------- EXECUTING SQL CHECKS ----------
---Checking MSSQL instances---
[+] Found 1 MSSQL instances
[+] Checking connection to each MSSQL instance
[-] The current user can access 1 MSSQL instances
[W] Writing to C:\Users\user\Desktop\amsterdam.bank.local-2022-08-22\findings\SQLserver_user_has_access.txt

---Checking if the user is sysadmin on the accessible instances---
[+] The current user is not sysdmin to any SQL instances

---Checking database links for sysadmin security context---
[-] There are 1 links which run under the security context of a sysadmin user
[W] Writing to C:\Users\user\Desktop\amsterdam.bank.local-2022-08-22\findings\SQLserver_sysadmin_on_links.txt

---Running Invoke-SQLAudit on the accessible instances---
This might take a while
VERBOSE: WEB01.amsterdam.bank.local : No named instance found.
VERBOSE: WEB01.amsterdam.bank.local : Connection Success.
VERBOSE: WEB01.amsterdam.bank.local : Checking for autoexec stored procedures...
[-] Invoke-SQLAudit found 7 issues
[W] Writing to C:\Users\user\Desktop\amsterdam.bank.local-2022-08-22\findings\SQLserver_sqlaudit.txt
