0xPolygonMiden / miden-base

Core components of the Polygon Miden rollup
MIT License
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Miden Rollup protocol

LICENSE test no-std RUST_VERSION [GitHub Release]()

Description and core structures for the Miden Rollup protocol.

WARNING: This project is in an alpha stage. It has not been audited and may contain bugs and security flaws. This implementation is NOT ready for production use.


Miden is a zero-knowledge rollup for high-throughput and private applications. Miden allows users to execute and prove transactions locally (i.e., on their devices) and commit only the proofs of the executed transactions to the network.

If you want to join the technical discussion or learn more about the project, please check out

Status and features

Polygon Miden is currently on release v0.3. This is an early version of the protocol and its components. We expect to keep making changes (including breaking changes) to all components.

Feature highlights

Planned features

Project structure

Crate Description
objects Contains core components defining the Miden rollup protocol.
miden-lib Contains the code of the Miden rollup kernels and standardized smart contracts.
miden-tx Contains tool for creating, executing, and proving Miden rollup transaction.
mock Contains utilities to help with testing Miden rollup components.


To test the crates contained in this repo, you can use cargo-make run the following command present in our Makefile.toml:

cargo make test-all

Some of the functions in this project are computationally intensive and may take a significant amount of time to compile and complete during testing. To ensure optimal results we use the make test command. It enables the running of tests in release mode and using specific configurations replicates the test conditions of the development mode and verifies all debug assertions. For more information refer to the Makefile.toml for the specific commands and configurations that have been chosen.


This project is MIT licensed