0xpatrickdev / agoric-vault-collateral-proposal

CoreEval Proposal and Permits for Inter Vault Collateral Type
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This repository contains code and instructions for submitting a swingset.CoreEval proposal to the Agoric blockchain. CoreEval is a special type of governance proposal that executes code after a passing vote.

Specifically, this is a proposal for adding stATOM as a collateral type to Inter Protocol Vaults. See the community discussion for more details.

This proposal can easily be adapted for other collerateral types, and should serve as a reference for future proposals. You can see a demo and discussion of this code recorded during developer office hours.


1. Use Proposal Builder to generate Core Eval files

See builders/scripts/inter-protocol/add-STARS.js and this npm script for more details.

I have checked in the generated files here for reference. The files were generated from [this commit hash]https://github.com/Agoric/agoric-sdk/tree/4df6e758409e9196fdf0381904a4caccec99545d), using the added yarn build:add-stATOM-proposal script.

Alternatively, you can edit the files provided here directly, adjusting the sections highlighted:

2. Setup wallet

One wallet is needed for submitting governance proposals, and two* wallets are required for submitting oracle prices.

# list current keys
agd keys list
# add a new key, with auto-generated mnemonic
agd keys add [dev-local]
# add a new key, with custom mnemonic
agd keys add [dev-local] --interactive
# prints address
agd keys show [dev-local] -a

2.a. Setting up a hardware wallet

Ledger hardware wallet signing is supported by agd, and can be set up as follows:

agd keys add [my-ledger] --ledger --coin-type=118 [--account=0] [--index=0]
# use the hw key to sign and submit a tx
agd tx swingset [...] --from=[my-ledger] --sign-mode=amino-json

3. Request faucet funds + Provision Wallet

Setup a smart-wallet and request funds here: https://devnet.faucet.agoric.net/, using the address from the previous step.

In a local environment, the following cosmic-swingset Makefile commands will help achieve the same:

cd ~/agoric-sdk/packages/cosmic-swingset
# fund provision pool
make fund-provision-pool
# create a smart wallet
ACCT_ADDR=your-address make provision-acct
# add faucet tokens to wallet
ACCT_ADDR=your-address FUNDS=9999000000ubld,9999000000uist make fund-acct

Proposal Steps

1. Deploy bundles

Before deploying bundles, you will want to query the chain 1.a. to see if they are already published. If they are, which is likely the case for a Vault Collateral Proposal, you can avoid the gas cost of deploying them again and skip this step.


cd bundles
agd tx swingset install-bundle @$B1 --node $NODE --from $WALLET --chain-id $CHAIN_ID --gas=auto --gas-adjustment=1.2 -y -b block
agd tx swingset install-bundle @$B2 --node $NODE --from $WALLET --chain-id $CHAIN_ID --gas=auto --gas-adjustment=1.2 -y -b block

Alternatively, the deploy-bundles.sh script can be used to ensure only un-published bundles are submitted.

1.a. Verify Bundle Deployment

# returns a global list of deployed bundles
agd query vstorage data bundles --node $NODE --chain-id $CHAIN_ID --output json
# returns a formattted list of deployed bundles
agd query vstorage data bundles --node $NODE --chain-id $CHAIN_ID --output json | \
jq -r '.value | fromjson | .values | map(fromjson) | .[-1] | .body[1:] | fromjson'

2. Submit Governance Proposal

CHAIN_ID=agoricdev-21 // see https://devnet.agoric.net/ for latest chain id
agd tx gov submit-proposal swingset-core-eval \
  add-stATOM-permit.json add-stATOM.js \
  add-stATOM-oracles-permit.json add-stATOM-oracles.js \
  --title="Enable stATOM Vault" --description="Evaluate add-stATOM.js add-stATOM-oracles.js" --deposit=1000000ubld \
  --gas=auto --gas-adjustment=1.2 \
  --node $NODE --from $WALLET --chain-id $CHAIN_ID

3. Query Gov Proposals

agd query gov proposals --node $NODE --chain-id $CHAIN_ID --output json | \
  jq -c '.proposals[] | [.proposal_id,.voting_end_time,.status]';

4. Vote on Gov Proposal

agd tx gov vote 1 yes --node $NODE --from $WALLET --chain-id $CHAIN_ID
gov proposal on explorer

Oracle Steps

If you are testing on a local chain, you will need to send oracle prices in order for the vault manager to finish initializing.

Before, ensure at least two addresses you control are listed in oracleAddresses. You may also want to adjust minSubmissionCount from 3 to 2 in decentral-devnet-config.json.

cd ~/agoric-sdk
alias oracle="yarn run --silent agops oracle"

# accept the offer to submit a price
oracle accept --offerId 1 --pair stATOM.USD > offer-1-w1.json
agoric wallet send --from $WALLET --offer offer-1-w1.json

# push a price
oracle pushPriceRound --price 10 --roundId 1 --oracleAdminAcceptOfferId 1 > price-offer-1-w1.json
agoric wallet send --from $WALLET --offer price-offer-1-w1.json

# verify price feed
agoric follow :published.priceFeed.stATOM-USD_price_feed

# submit a price from wallet 2
AGORIC_NET=devnet oracle accept --offerId 1 --pair stATOM.USD > offer-1-w2.json
AGORIC_NET=devnet agoric wallet send --from $WALLET_2 --offer offer-1-w2.json
AGORIC_NET=devnet oracle pushPriceRound --price 10 --roundId 1 --oracleAdminAcceptOfferId 1 > price-offer-1-w2.json
AGORIC_NET=devnet agoric wallet send --from $WALLET_2 --offer price-offer-1-w2.json

When using the agops cli, the network can be specified by prefacing commands with AGORIC_NET=devnet.

Open a Vault with agops cli

alias vaults="yarn run --silent agops vaults"
AGORIC_NET=devnet vaults open --wantMinted 5.00 --giveCollateral 9.0 --collateralBrand stATOM > open-vault-offer.json
AGORIC_NET=devnet agoric wallet send --from $WALLET --offer open-vault-offer.json

UI Validation

A link to an endorsed UI can be found on https://devnet.agoric.net/.

stATOM vault in dapp ui

REPL Validation

// looking your wallet, so you can request faucet funds

// request a loan for 5m uist (the minimum)
E(E(home.agoricNames).lookup('issuer', 'IST')).getBrand()
istBrand = history[n]
fiveMillionUistAmount = { brand: istBrand, value: 5_000_000n}

// find the vault factory instance
E(home.agoricNames).lookup('instance', 'VaultFactory')
vfi = history[n]

// open an ATOM vault
E(E(home.agoricNames).lookup('issuer', 'ATOM')).getBrand()
atomBrand = history[n]
atomPurse = E(home.wallet).getPurse("ATOM")
oneMillionUatomAmount = { brand: atomBrand, value: 1_000_000n}
proposal = { give: { Collateral: oneMillionUatomAmount }, want: { Minted: fiveMillionUistAmount } }
pmt = { Collateral: history[n] }
inv = history[n]
E(home.zoe).offer(inv, proposal, pmt)
E(history[n]).getOfferResult() // should provide a VaultSeatKit, or show an error

// open an stATOM vault
E(E(home.agoricNames).lookup('issuer', 'stATOM')).getBrand()
stAtomBrand = history[n]
stAtomPurse = E(home.wallet).getPurse("stATOM")
oneMillionUstAtomAmount = { brand: stAtomBrand, value: 1_000_000n}
proposal = { give: { Collateral: oneMillionUstAtomAmount }, want: { Minted: fiveMillionUistAmount } }
pmt = { Collateral: history[n] }
inv = history[n]
E(home.zoe).offer(inv, proposal, pmt)
E(history[n]).getOfferResult() // should provide a VaultSeatKit, or show an error

REPL Oracle Validation

E(home.agoricNames).lookup('oracleBrand', 'stATOM')
E(home.agoricNames).lookup('oracleBrand', 'USD')
stAtomOracleBrand = history[n]
E(home.priceAuthority).makeQuoteNotifier({ value: 10n * 10n ** 6n, brand: stAtomOracleBrand }, usdOracleBrand)