0xsequence / bundler

ERC5189 p2p transaction bundler
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ERC-5189 Mempool Bundler

Work in progress

This project is in the early stages of development and is not yet ready for production use.

Feature Status
P2P Sharing of operations βœ… Implemented
Mempool limits (global and per-dependency) βœ… Implemented
Endorser reputation tracking πŸ”„ Partial
Untrusted env support (see 5189) πŸ”„ Partial
Simulation settings βœ… Implemented
Archival generation and broadcast βœ… Implemented
Metrics βœ… Implemented
Debug methods fallback to Anvil βœ… Implemented
Embedded sender πŸ”„ Partial
ERC20 Token fees support πŸ”„ Partial
Receipt Fetching ❌ Not implemented


The project is a mempool transaction bundler for general purpose "operations". The project uses ERC-5189 as the reference standard for how the operations are defined and how they should be handled. The project includes a built-in sender, but it is designed to be used with a separate sender (or block builder).


  1. Create a copy of the /etc/bundler-node.conf.sample file and name it /etc/bundler-1.conf.

  2. (Optional) Generate a random 12-word mnemonic and put it in the mnemonic field in the /etc/bundler-1.conf file.

  3. Define the number of senders to run num_senders in the /etc/bundler-1.conf file.

  4. Run with make run.

Consuming the API

The API can be consumed using the client that can be found in the /proto/client directory. Note that the API is not yet stable and is subject to change.

Additional docs