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Get a Skeleton Gatsby project setup with AWS Amplify deployed to AWS Amplify Console #2

Closed omenking closed 4 years ago

omenking commented 4 years ago

Gatsby has a build setup. I wonder how we can trigger a build setup with AWS Amplify Console. Right now the goal is to determine technical uncertainty between Gatsby and Amplify before adding features

rishabkumar7 commented 4 years ago

I think we can have two approaches to the CI/CD pipeline, at-least that I can think of! AWS Amplify

AWS CodePipeline

Both approach seems to work, I personally have tested the Amplify and will document it below, will do the same for CodePipeline later.

omenking commented 4 years ago

My experience with AWS Amplify Console so far is that it reduces the number of steps. I am uncertain of what other limitations there are with AWS Amplify Console. CodePipeline is nice to see detailed information.

rishabkumar7 commented 4 years ago

AWS Amplify approach

Log into the Amplify Console.

From here, under Deploy we can click GET STARTED:

Next, we’ll choose GitHub as our repository & click Next.


Then connect the mater branch of the new repo we just created & click Next: image

In this view, we can review the default build settings & click Next to continue: image

Finally, we can review the deployment & click Save & Deploy when we’re ready to deploy our app: image

Once the deployment is successful, you should see this: image

Kicking off a new build

Now that our app is deployed, let’s take it one step further. The Amplify Console will automatically watch your master branch & kick off a new build whenever new code is merged. Let’s test this out.

Open src/pages/index.js & replace the following line:

<h1>Hi people</h1>

with this:

<h1>Hi #100DaysOfCloud community</h1>

Save the file & push the changes to your master branch:

git add . git commit -m 'updated heading' git push origin master

Now, when we go back into the Amplify console we’ll see that a new build has been started:

When the build is completed & we launch the app, we should now see our new heading image

rishabkumar7 commented 4 years ago

AWS CodePipeline approach

 version: 0.2

        nodejs: 10
      - echo Installing Gatsby and Gatsby-CLI...
      - npm install -g gatsby
      - npm install -g gatsby-cli
      - echo Installing Node packages...
      - npm install
      - echo Build initiated...
      - npm run build
      - echo Synchronizing public directory...
      - aws s3 sync ./public/ s3://rishabkumar.ml --delete
  base-directory: public
    - '**/*'
  discard-paths: yes

So it will delete all files in S3 bucket → create a new directory called build-output → move all files that are in public directory to build-output directory → delete everything except build-output → move all files that are in build-output → then delete build-output.

omenking commented 4 years ago

So for the CodePipeline is this just deploying Gatsby, so there is no AWS Amplify?

mtliendo commented 4 years ago

Love the detailed overview of each path!

@omenking Yup, with codepipeline it would remove the amplify console part, which also means we would likely want to use a more generic Gatsby starter if going that route.

A couple of notes regarding AWS Amplify in terms of using it in open source:

Is the intent for it to be a static site or are there serverless features (auth, api, etc) that the site will need? Just bringing it up because it may be best to discuss features of the site and let that dictate what stack is best.

omenking commented 4 years ago

Dynamic or Static

There will be dynamic components, so I think serverless will be part of the equation. We have an accompanying Git Repository that they fork that is part of the challenge and we want to pull people's progress: https://github.com/100DaysOfCloud/100DaysOfCloud

So the idea is that we can show a journey board of participants based on monitoring their repo.

There could be the utility of having IdP for Twitter or Github so adding something such as Cognito may be in the development roadmap.


Making note of that barrier. I want to sit this challenge up in days, and if we go the Serverless Framework we can get some agnosticism with computing, though when it comes to databases, and authentication we're going to have to make a choice unless we sit everything up in micro-services with containers and then I see our time-line stretching and stretching.

I think for the scope of this challenge page may be better to go AWS here and we should rotate out clouds so we have more opportunities. I don't foresee this project to be the only cloud project.


I just received a fresh round of AWS Credits, So I currently feel incentivized to host on AWS. 🙃

The cost to contributors with AWS right now is pennies, so I would say if this platform becomes more than expected we'll have to address these and migrate to an ultra cost-sensitive solution. If contributors could run an entire local environment that would mitigate any costs.

I think the general rule with Serverless is to run development workloads on the cloud because local development is not reliable, though I could be unaware of better serverless solutions.

rishabkumar7 commented 4 years ago

For now, the site is deployed via amplify! https://master.d1igfgwt2o399m.amplifyapp.com/ image

But we still have to move the domain! image

what-name commented 4 years ago

The Amplify App is being deprecated already. Close issue?

rishabkumar7 commented 4 years ago

@what-name Closing this issue, since moving to serverless.