100DaysOfCloud / 100DaysOfCloudBackendLegacy

MIT License
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The #100DaysOfCloud Community

The purpose of this community-shared project is to introduce non-technical or non-cloud folk to level 100(Introductory) and level 200 (Intermediate) cloud content.

How to Install

npm i gatsby-cli -g
npm i

How to run in developmenet

gatsby develop

How to deploy

You always need to build before you deploy

AWS Amplify Deployement

The Gatsby site is deployed in AWS Amplify Console. Below are the steps that were taken to deploy it. Log into the Amplify Console.

From here, under Deploy we can click GET STARTED:

Next, we’ll choose GitHub as our repository & click Next.


Then connect the mater branch of the new repo we just created & click Next: image

In this view, we can review the default build settings & click Next to continue: image

Finally, we can review the deployment & click Save & Deploy when we’re ready to deploy our app: image

Once the deployment is successful, you should see this: image

Kicking of a new build

As soon as you changes are merged to main(master) branch the deployement should be taken care of by Amplify.