1112zakaria / user-auth-access-control-prototype

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User Authentication and Access Control Prototype

Author: Zakaria Ismail

Setup Instructions

Install Dependencies

On the SEED Labs VM, install:


pip3 install flask

Run Instructions

This system consists of a client and a server application.

Go to the src directory using:

cd src

Then, run the server in one window using:

python3 auth_server.py

Then, run the login client in another window using:

python3 login.py

To run the enroll client, run the following in another window:

python3 enroll.py

Test Instructions

To run the tests, execute the following command:

python -m unittest discover src/tests

Unit Tests added for Role Classes

This section describes the new unit tests that were added to verify the permissions of different user roles.

These tests are essential to ensure that each role is only granted permissions that align with their responsibilities within the system. This is important to maintain security and privacy norms as per the access control policy.