127labs / generator-duxedo

MIT License
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No bullshit React + Redux project generator

Duxedo is a highly opinionated React + Redux project generator that includes various utilities to help you focus on what you do best, and forget the configuration for once.


Getting into react development is a very challenging task. First, you need to configure webpack, then you need to configure a redux store. You can't have a react app without a router right, now you need to find and configure the router. With duxedo, our goal is to take the pain off setting up a react + redux project by using a generator akin to that of frameworks like Rails or Phoenix for the React and Redux stack.


  1. React
  2. Redux
  3. Redux Observable
  4. React Router
  5. Karma + Chai + Sinon
  6. Hot Module Reloading OOTB
  7. Webpack
  8. Sass with autoprefix
  9. Optional linting using StandardJS
  10. Highly opinionated ducks architecture


First, install Yeoman and generator-duxedo using npm (we assume you have pre-installed node.js).

npm install -g yo
npm install -g generator-duxedo

Then, you will have these generators available to you:

yo duxedo <app-name>
yo duxedo:module <module-name>
yo duxedo:action <module-name> <actionName>
yo duxedo:container <module-name> <container-name>
yo duxedo:component <module-name> <component-name>


This project is currently in it's young stage, if you can find the time we encourage you to come join in and implement the todos. Feel free to open an issue or send a PR.