1316827294 / Novel-Poisoning-Attacks-on-Decentralized-Federated-Learning

Master Project (Master Projekt) for Yunlong Li and Runxi Cui
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Master Project (Master Projekt) for Yunlong Li and Runxi Cui

This master’s project report explores the design and prototypical implementation of model poisoning attacks in Distributed Federated Learning (DFL) systems. Federated Learn- ing is a distributed machine learning framework that enables multiple data owners to collaboratively train models without sharing their private data. However, this system is vulnerable to model poisoning attacks, where malicious participants introduce harmful updates to degrade the model’s performance. The focus of this research is to explore how to intelligently enhance the effectiveness of poisoning attacks. It requires a deep understanding of the working mechanisms of DFL to identify and exploit potential weaknesses. The project adopts a multi-faceted research approach, including assessing the security of DFL systems, constructing and validating attack models, and testing their effectiveness in both simulated and real environments. The main contributions of this project include the development of new attack strategies based on cosine similarity, maximum eigenvalue, and Fisher angle. These strategies aim to bypass advanced aggregation algorithms and degrade the quality of the global model. Additionally, the project integrates these strategies into the Fedstellar platform and eval- uates their performance using various metrics. The research results reveal vulnerabilities in current DFL systems and provide theoretical and practical insights for building more secure and reliable models. iii

keyword:poisoning attack 【1】https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9767718 【2】https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10105919 【3】https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0167404823002912?via%3Dihub 【4】https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9760102 【5】https://ojs.aaai.org/index.php/AAAI/article/view/26083 【6】https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10327979 main【7】https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3534678.3539119 main【8】https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1609/aaai.v37i4.25611

Defending: 【1】https://ojs.aaai.org/index.php/AAAI/article/view/26271 【2】https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3576915.3623193

ideas: 1.在攻击的时候实时调整策略,实时调整数据效果以影响其loss和跳过其识别策略,强化学习加权方法,强化学习加权的时候来影响联邦学习的每轮参数 2.在联邦学习的过程中,污染数据使得其梯度下降找鞍点的过程中让我们提供一个假鞍点给他,因此我们在同时利用数据训练的过程中,需要比他快找到鞍点并进行调整

baseline: 【1】https://github.com/Jenson66/Poisoning-Attack-on-FL/tree/main 【2】https://github.com/vrt1shjwlkr/NDSS21-Model-Poisoning/tree/main 这个点结果有点假 [3]https://github.com/lishenghui/blades/tree/master 这个也可以跑出结果来


def our_attack_descent(all_updates, model_re, n_attackers, dev_type='unit_vec', learning_rate=0.01, threshold_diff=1e-5): if dev_type == 'unit_vec': deviation = model_re / torch.norm(model_re) elif dev_type == 'sign': deviation = torch.sign(model_re) elif dev_type == 'std': deviation = torch.std(all_updates, 0)

lamda = torch.tensor([10.0]).float().cuda()

while True:
    mal_update = (model_re - lamda * deviation)

    # 使用 all_updates 的中位数来更新 lamda
    median_val = torch.median(all_updates)
    lamda = lamda*0.5 - learning_rate * (lamda - median_val)
    # lamda *= 0.5
    # 计算更新后的损失,这里仍然使用 MSE
    loss = F.mse_loss(all_updates, mal_update.unsqueeze(0).expand_as(all_updates))

    if loss.item() < threshold_diff:

mal_update = (model_re - lamda * deviation)
return mal_update.detach()