13mralex / c4-pyatv-remote

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Select button doesn't work. #8

Closed bboi69 closed 10 months ago

bboi69 commented 1 year ago

Select button on C4 doesn't work. All other IP button commands work fine.

lilstevie commented 1 year ago

+1 same issue here. Turned debugging on and watched the Lua Output window while sending select and this appears

--- ReceivedFromProxy: 5001
ROOM_ID = 56
snowbooch commented 1 year ago

Think the author was going for dynamic/timed press for this button, but it didn't work for me either. Fixed it by modifying driver.lua lines 1060-1077 to simply be:

function MSP.ENTER (idBinding, strCommand, tParams, args) local pytvCommand = CMDS [strCommand] if (pytvCommand ~= nil) then PYATV.RemoteCommand (pytvCommand) end end