13mralex / c4-pyatv-remote

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# Apple TV IP Remote Control (pyatv)


· Install pyatv

· pip3 install pyatv

· Verify installation

· atvremote --version

· Copy the pyatv-webserver.py to your Linux environment.

· Run the Webserver Python script in a screen or background process of your choice:

· python3 pyatv-webserver.py

· Server is now running on port 8080

Pairing Apple TV

· Run the Scan Devices action from Composer

· Verify output in the Lua console, which will dump all Apple Related devices and protocols

· The Device Selector property will populate with available devices

· Select the desired device, the Protocols and Device ID property will populate

· Select Companion or AirPlay (you will need to pair with both protocols)

· After setting the protocol, the device will display a PIN on screen

· Enter the PIN in Composer (perform the pairing again with the other Protocol)

· Run the Test Connection action to verify everything works

· The Lua console will display the result


· Create press and hold actions