1718-io / propositions-relatives-au-ric

Quelques propositions concernant les organisations qui considèrent l'instauration du RIC comme leur premier objectif.
1 stars 0 forks source link

Quels porpositions quant au RIC


# ---- ----------- ---- #
# ----  GIT CONFIG ---- #
# ----  ---------- ---- #

git config --global commit.gpgsign true
git config --global user.name "Jean-Baptiste-Lasselle"
git config --global user.email jean.baptiste.lasselle.pegasus@gmail.com
git config --global user.signingkey 7B19A8E1574C2883
# Now, to sign Git commits, for example inside an SSH session (where TTY is a bit different ...)
export GPG_TTY=$(tty)

git config --global --list

# will re-define the default identity in use
# https://docstore.mik.ua/orelly/networking_2ndEd/ssh/ch06_04.htm
ssh-add ~/.ssh.perso.backed/id_rsa

export GIT_SSH_COMMAND='ssh -i ~/.ssh.perso.backed/id_rsa'
ssh -Ti ~/.ssh.perso.backed/id_rsa git@github.com

# if [ -d ~/propositions-relatives-au-ric ]; then
  # rm -fr ~/propositions-relatives-au-ric
# fi;

git clone git@github.com:gravitee-lab/propositions-relatives-au-ric.git ~/propositions-relatives-au-ric
cd ~/propositions-relatives-au-ric

export FEATURE_ALIAS='ric-interne'
git flow feature start ${FEATURE_ALIAS} && git push -u origin --all
git checkout "feature/${FEATURE_ALIAS}"
export COMMIT_MESSAGE="feat.(${FEATURE_ALIAS}): adding build and run with https://github.com/gravitee-io/gravitee-docs/blob/master/Dockerfile "
# git add --all && git commit -m "${COMMIT_MESSAGE}" && git push -u origin HEAD
atom .
hugo serve --watch -b