17teen / Discord-Bladee-Server-Anti-Nuker

Archived Till A New Release Comes Out.
62 stars 72 forks source link
blacklisting bot discord discord-antiraid discord-api discord-bot discord-js discord-raid discord-raid-protect discord-server discordantinuke discordbot discordjs discordnukebot discordnuker intents javascript trust whitelisting

Bladee-Wallpaper cropped

Bot Description:

A discord bot which will prevent your server from being nuked/wizzed through checking logs as fast as it can to get the unauthorised user and ban them.

Database: JSON.


  1. Node.JS LTS Version installed.
  2. Code Editor: VSC(recommended), Sublime, Atom etc.
  3. OS: Windows, macOS.

Protection Features:

Current Bypass Benchmarks:

Only fast nukers are used for testing. A generic nuke tool would not get passed 50 bans.

Set-Up Bot:



  • Run the run.bat file macOS:
  • Type this in the console: node . (Private) | node bladee.js (Global)


FAQ: Private vs Global Mode


  • Designed for private use .
  • Restricted servers you allow the bot to be in will function.
  • Blacklisting, Whitelisting, Trust System will not differ from each server your bot will be in.


  • Designed for public use.
  • Unrestricted server invitation for your bot.
  • Servers have individual databases.
  • Backup databases can be retrieved.
  • Server owners can reset their server database.



Contact Me

DiscordDiscord ServerTelegramSteam

Showcase | Help | | ------------- | | ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/71920969/110853651-c91be880-82ab-11eb-8f36-c4701a84ee29.png) | | Whitelist | Blacklist | | ------------- | ------------- | | ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/71920969/110852356-2d3dad00-82aa-11eb-98b9-077a2f4a69dc.png) | ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/71920969/110852400-3af33280-82aa-11eb-9c33-96db6cd31300.png) | | Blacklisted User Attempt to join server | Unauthorised Ban | | ------------- | ------------- | ![image](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/818734089724493855/818752071330168852/unknown.png) | ![image](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/818734089724493855/819092601478971412/unknown.png) | ## Private Mode Features: | Trust | Enable & Disable | | ------------- | ------------- | ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/71920969/110852427-434b6d80-82aa-11eb-88fb-1e473df4c962.png) | ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/71920969/110852448-4ba3a880-82aa-11eb-88f2-fe33b4ad550c.png) | | Adding & Removing Guilds | | ------------- | | ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/71920969/110852916-de444780-82aa-11eb-9d13-95bd70c492fb.png) | ## Global Mode Features: | Global Blacklist | Add & Remove Dev | | ------------- | ------------- | | ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/71920969/113478737-ac299e00-9482-11eb-927b-26001c5da6e6.png) | ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/71920969/113478755-c8c5d600-9482-11eb-8a55-cae10f94338c.png) |