18684092 / CAR

LilyGo T-SIM7000G Module ESP32
5 stars 3 forks source link

GSM + GPS #1

Open lcsadmin opened 1 year ago

lcsadmin commented 1 year ago

Hi There, did you try GPS and GSM at the same time, I can not make it works together, I mean If I get GSM connection GPS does not response to AT commands.

Thanks Lee

18684092 commented 1 year ago

Hi Lee, Once the SIM7000 is connected to GSM the modem needs to be in transparent mode so that data can flow 'through' the modem from the host ESP32 to the end point (perhaps a web page). When you need to read the GNSS/GPS you need to issue an AT command, ie you are not sending data 'through' the modem but 'to' the modem. The modem cannot be in the two states (transparent and command mode) at the same time. Therefore, if connected via GSM you need to disconnect, so that you can issue a new AT command to the modem.

lcsadmin commented 1 year ago

Thanks a lot, I could never have make this works that way, I tried it on arduino and it works well, I'll try to replicate arduino AT commands in micropython UART to at least verify if it works.


duneau commented 1 year ago

Hi Lee,Have you had any success accessing the GSM module to retrieve GPS data using ESP32-MicroPython? I've tried the code sample with the Lobo install.. no luck there. I've also managed to get the full test working using Arduino and setting the Lilyboard as an ESP32 Wrover but I'd really like to find someone who was able to use Pyton to sucessfully send AT commands and get GPS data with this board...