Call A Robot using LilyGo SIM7000G Module ESP32 Development board with integrated 4G/GPS and BT/WIFI modules
CURRENTLY testing board and getting used to different Micropythons
Status: (98, 'Not started')
error and the modem will not respondE (1051) MicroPython: Error while opening MicroPython NVS name space
error then you probably did not erase the firmware.W (2128) phy_init: failed to load RF calibration data (0x1102), falling back to full calibration
error this is likely to be related to a power supply issue. Use a better cable or do not go through a USB hub. Unplug ESP32 card and try againmicropython-umqtt.simple
and micropython-umqtt.robust
via upip.install('micropython-umqtt.robust2')
therefore use:
Git repo simple2 and
from machine import Pin, ADC
battery = ADC(35) battery.atten(ADC.ATTN_11DB)
def getBattery():
- SIM7000G has a battery pin (VBAT) and it can be read via an AT command
`gsm.atcmd('AT+CBC', printable=True)`
## Real Time Clock
- module sets the RTC on boot via modified code from [Loboris forum](
- [NTP for SIM7000G](
- [AT Commands for TCP/IP SIM7000G](
## SIM7000G UART
- [UART Manual](