18F / 18f-scaffolding

A scaffold/generator to standardize 18F project setup
26 stars 14 forks source link
cli generator scaffold scaffolding starter

The 18F Generator

This project contains a set of Yeoman scaffolds to set up common project needs. To run them, you'll either need Node.js 6.x or Docker

Install via Node

Once you have Node installed, you'll also need to install yeoman and this package from the public NPM repository:

npm install -g yo               # install yeoman
npm install -g generator-18f    # installs this package

Then, run the generators:

cd /somewhere/else

yo 18f            # all generators
# or individually:
yo 18f:license
yo 18f:readme
yo 18f:gitignores
yo 18f:npm
yo 18f:cf-manifest
yo 18f:newrelic

Install via Docker

Once you have Docker installed, you'll want to run it with the current directory mounted:

cd /somewhere/else

docker run --rm -it -v $PWD:/workdir 18fgsa/generator

That will run all of the generators. To run them individually, use e.g.

docker run --rm -it -v $PWD:/workdir --entrypoint yo 18fgsa/generator 18f:license



Pulls file content from https://github.com/18F/open-source-policy

$ yo 18f:license
$ tree
└── LICENSE.md


Pulls README content from https://github.com/18F/open-source-policy/blob/master/README_TEMPLATE.md

$ yo 18f:readme
? What is the project's full name? My Project

$ tree
└── README.md


Pulls Gitignore content from https://github.com/github/gitignore

$ yo 18f:gitignores
? What languages will this project use?
 ◯ Go
 ◉ Node
 ◯ Python
❯◉ Ruby

$ tree
└── .gitignore


Creates a package.json file. Based on https://github.com/caseywebb/generator-npm-init

$ yo 18f:npm
? Will this project have front end libraries/dependencies Yes
Configuring npm now...
? name: generator-18f
? version: 0.2.0
? description: Scaffolding for 18F projects
? main point: index.js
? test command: echo "Error: no test specified" && exit 1
? git repository: https://github.com/18F/18f-cli
? keywords (space-delimited):
? author: 18f
? license: CC0-1.0

$ tree
└── package.json

Cloud.gov Manifests

Creates files for a cloud.gov deploy, depending on your primary application language. Requires modification after generation.

$ yo 18f:cf-manifest
? What's the repo name? (A short name that acts as the project identifier) my-repo
? What is the primary language (for Travis, Cloud.gov, etc.)? (Use arrow keys)
❯ Go
? What is your application run command (e.g. "node app.js" or "gunicorn my_module.wsgi")? @TODO
? Will this project need any of these services?
❯◯ database
 ◯ secret credentials

$ tree
├── Procfile
├── TODO.txt
├── manifest_base.yml
├── manifest_dev.yml
└── manifest_prod.yml

New Relic

Generates a New Relic config files with 18F-recommended defaults.

$ yo 18f:newrelic
? What's the repo name? (A short name that acts as the project identifier) @TODO
? What is the primary language (for Travis, Cloud.gov, etc.)? (Use arrow keys)
❯ Go
? What languages will this project use?
 ◯ Go
 ◉ Node
 ◯ Python
❯◉ Ruby

$ tree
├── newrelic.ini
├── newrelic.js
└── newrelic.yml

Local Development

You'll most likely want to npm link the in-progress project to add it to make it visible to yo:

cd /path/to/18f-cli   # navigate to project root
npm install -g yo     # install yeoman
npm install           # install the required libs
npm link              # install the 18f-cli generators globally

The 18F Command

This repository also contains an earlier effort to standardize common 18F functions in the form of a set of command line utilities.


curl -sO https://raw.githubusercontent.com/18f/18f-cli/release/install
bash ./install

If you'd like to keep a copy of the git repository around:

git clone https://github.com/18f/18f-cli/
cd 18f-cli
bash ./install


18f [options] <subcommand> [subcommand options] <args>

18f init

Turns the current directory into a git repo with proper LICENSE.md, CONTRIBUTING.md, README.md, and .about.yml files.

18f setup

Runs the setup script found in https://github.com/18f/laptop. Used to set up a new computer or update an existing one. See that repo for more information about customizing the script through ~/.laptop.local.

18f validate

Checks a repo to see whether it has the standard 18F files, as created by 18f init.

18f deploy

Deploys a project to Cloud Foundry (and, more specifically, cloud.gov).

18f scan

Allows a variety of pre-configured scans to be run on a project. Currently supports:

18f brand

Downloads the 18F brand assets, either in whole or in part. Useful as a periodic check to keep assets up-to-date.

18f upgrade

Upgrade the 18f command to the latest version

Extra scripts

This repo also includes some scripts for standalone use, either in continuous integration services or on cloud.gov.

Local development

This script is really a bundle of scripts: one main script and a bunch of subcommands. The main script—called main—looks for scripts named 18f-whatever in /usr/local/bin/ and makes them available as 18f whatever.

New scripts should be added to this repository's bin folder without the 18f- prefix, as that will be added during installation. They can be written in any language, but care should be taken to choose a language that most users will have. Similarly, there is a preference for avoiding additional dependencies in new scripts.


See CONTRIBUTING for additional information.

Public domain

This project is in the worldwide public domain. As stated in CONTRIBUTING:

This project is in the public domain within the United States, and copyright and related rights in the work worldwide are waived through the CC0 1.0 Universal public domain dedication.

All contributions to this project will be released under the CC0 dedication. By submitting a pull request, you are agreeing to comply with this waiver of copyright interest.