18F / DOI-Digital-Services-PIA-UX

Repository for the DOI Digital Services Privacy Impact Assessment UX project.
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Repository for the DOI Digital Services Privacy Impact Assessment UX project.

A few examples...

Agencies collect information for the PIA through different templates. Some appear to be more user friendly than others. Here are a few examples:

U.S. Department of the Interior (full guide + form)

DOI PIA Examples

USDA PIA Examples

CDC PIA Guide - a good brief on what the PIA is, what it should be used for, and a list of resources. Also includes a flowchart of the approval process for a system, and where a PIA fits into that.

DISA Template - probably one of the more straightforward, well organized form examples.

Department of Education - PIA Examples - long list of approved PIAs.

Department of Energy - Word document - organized template with examples.

FDIC Active PIAs and Template - the FDIC template appears to well organized and streamlined.

FTC PIA Assessments

GSA PIA Assessments

Health and Human Services PIA Examples - contains perhaps the most straightforward examples of what PIAs look like for approved systems. Includes many examples of existing 3rd party systems.

Dept. Homeland Security

IRS PIA Examples - examples are in the IRS' streamlined PIA form.

Dept. of Justice - another well organized template, with examples for certain sections.

NIST PIA Assessments - various programs and systems are captured here.

National Science Foundation PIA Assessments - Research.gov, Fastlane, iTRAK and more.

NARA's PIA Assessments

Dept. of State PIA Examples - streamlined, simple PIA examples.

Dept. of Transportation

Other Resources

HIMSS Guide to PIA for Health Care - a good summary of PIA as applied within health care environments.