18F / a11y-metrics

An experiment in obtaining accessibility metrics across all 18F projects.
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This is an experiment in obtaining accessibility metrics across all 18F projects.

Quick start

You'll need Docker.

docker-compose pull
docker-compose run app yarn
docker-compose run app yarn build

This will output the static website at static/, including an accompanying JS bundle for progressive enhancement.

Developing the front-end

To develop the front-end, run:

docker-compose up

Then visit http://localhost:8080/ (or the same port on your Docker host) in your browser.

Note that the front-end currently only regenerates its JS bundle when you edit files; it does not regenerate index.html, which means that you may see a warning in your console with a message like this:

React attempted to reuse markup in a container but the checksum was invalid.

Manually re-building the static site should get rid of this warning; if it doesn't, however, then you've got a problem. Consider delaying any functionality requiring JS (or specific browser features) until the React app is mounted in the DOM, so that the initial render of the app is identical to the static render present in index.html.

To quickly see what the dashboard looks like without JavaScript enabled, add nojs=on to the querystring, e.g. http://localhost:8080/?nojs=on.

Adding new 18F projects to track

Currently, the list of 18F projects is actually automatically generated by iterating through all the GitHub repositories in the 18F organization (and possibly other related ones) and filtering for the ones that have a homepage set, along with a minimum number of open issues or stars.

For more details on this criteria, and on tweaking its parameters, see lib/config.js.

We may add an explicit mechanism to allow specific projects to be tracked in the future.

Environment-controlled configuration options

Some configuration options can be modified via environment variables.

During development, this is most easily done by creating a .env file containing name-value pairs, e.g.:


For more details on available configuration options, see lib/config.js.

Clearing cached data

All cached data is placed in the cache subdirectory. You can delete it entirely to reset the whole cache, or delete individual subdirectories or files within it to reset a subset of the cache.


We use Jest for tests; tests are in the test subdirectory. Run docker-compose run app jest --watch to run the tests and continuously watch for changes.

We also use Flow's comment syntax for strong typing, and docker-compose run app yarn test will fail if any errors are reported by Flow.

For quick feedback on Flow's type checking, consider running docker-compose run app yarn flow:watch.


Deployment is currently done by a Travis cron job which rebuilds the dashboard on a daily basis and pushes the new site to the static-site branch. This push is then detected by Federalist, which re-deploys the live site.