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Federalist Documentation Update | Project Documentation #123

Closed colinmurphy01 closed 4 years ago

colinmurphy01 commented 4 years ago


We were able to generate a document that overviewed what DTMO's stack looks like with/without Federalist. https://docs.google.com/document/d/15YnRGxOIXvy26syFk3vrBa3YvZhD1vFk6gI-dVUXRY0/edit?usp=sharing


The following additional detail would be appreciated in order to make the case to DMDC around the implications of this decision: • Technical comparison (covering this currently, but consider layering in the concept of forking a similar service) • Ongoing support to maintain service (what could put pressure on this system that might instigate bugs/updates) • Layer into the "With Federalist" case the FedRamp approval details that Eddie sent over

colinmurphy01 commented 4 years ago

@heymatthenry I'll try to find 30 min to pair on updating this prior to the on-site. I don't know if it'll come up, but it'd be good to have this done since they requested this 1-2 weeks ago.

colinmurphy01 commented 4 years ago

Current document should be sufficient for discussion within DTMO and DMDC.