18F / easy-wcag

An easy to use WCAG 2.0 assessment.
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We're building an easy to use WCAG 2.0 AA assessment tool. This tool will make WCAG 2.0 assessments more approachable so that TTS staff can complete basic accessibility audits, and fix issues, without having to go to an expert. This will help us follow the guidance issued in Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act and will ultimately help TTS staff level up their accessibility knowledge.

You can read more in our framing doc.


Right now we're working on a limited MVP, focused on supporting TTS staff who are building relatively simple static webistes.

Major value add:


For folks inside TTS: If you want to help with this project, join the #easy-wcag channel in Slack and ping @nkkl.

For folks outside of TTS: We're not yet in a place to support contributors from outside of our organization. You're more than welcome to follow this repo and get more involved once we get further along.