An experimental atomic css prototype framework, developed for prototyping patterns for (See style and the pattern library)
United is an experimental atomic css utility class framework (similar to Basscss, Tachyons, or Solid) that allows designing for a wide expressive gamut without modifying css. Utility classes are single-use immutable classes that can be chained together to create more sophisticated presentational styles. See the demo.
Among other things, a utility class framework can be helpful to prototype new patterns in a pattern library without modifying production code. It allows a designer or developer to get into design with minimal classing/naming overhead, and can provide tight integration with Sketch files built with similar base principles.
Utility classes can form a universal language shared between different traditional taxonomic systems, as well as a bridge between visual design and front-end design — potentially making it simpler to move from design to production.
gem install jekyll
(more detail here)npm install