18alantom / fex

A CLI file explorer.
GNU General Public License v3.0
7 stars 2 forks source link
cli file-explorer tool tui unix zig zsh

fex logo bar

A CLI file explorer.

fex is a command-line file explorer inspired by Vim, exa and fzf, built with quick exploration and navigation in mind.

fex screenshot

By using Vim-like keybindings, fex ends up being a near-effortless tool to zip around a file system:

Show Fex Demo [Fex Demo.webm](https://github.com/18alantom/fex/assets/29507195/04bb6078-c8f0-4e27-88db-79b81c1e6429)



Getting fex running involves:

  1. Installing the fex executable.
  2. Setting up the shell integration.

To get install the fex executable follow this section. For the shell integration go to the Setup section.


🚧 Installation using package managers (Homebrew, apt, etc) will be added.

Using install.sh

You can use install.sh script to download and setup fex.

Run the following bash one-liner to setup fex:

curl -fsSLO https://raw.githubusercontent.com/18alantom/fex/master/install.sh && bash install.sh


To uninstall fex:

  1. Remove the $HOME/.fex directory.
  2. Delete the lines pertaining to fex from your .bashrc or .zshrc file.

From Source

To install fex from source, you will need version zig version 0.13.0 installed. You can get it from here.

Once you had done that, compile the executable by using the following commands:

# Clone the fex repository
git clone https://github.com/18alantom/fex && cd fex


# Compile the fex executable for your system
zig build-exe -O ReleaseSafe main.zig

# Move the executable to usr bin
mv main /usr/local/bin/fex


# To be able to open files, you will need xdg-open from xdg-utils
sudo apt install xdg-utils
# Compile the fex executable for your system
zig build-exe -O ReleaseSafe main.zig -lc

# Move the executable to usr bin
mv main /usr/bin/fex


To use fex to its full extent it needs to be set up as a shell widget. This allows fex to:

These are shell specific so you will need to set it up separately depending on the shell you use.


🚧 bash and fish shell support will be added.

Zsh Setup

To setup the Zsh widget for fex, first copy the file shell/.fex.zsh to your home directory. Then copy the following lines into your .zshrc:

# Source .fex.zsh if it's present
[ -f ~/.fex.zsh ] && source ~/.fex.zsh

# Bind CTRL-F to invoke fex (key binds can be custom)
bindkey '^f' fex-widget


You can change which key is used to invoke fex by using the Zsh bindkey command. For example if you use Zsh vi mode, you can use bindkey -a 'f' fex-widget to invoke fex using the 'f' key when in command mode.


fex Default Command

After you have set up fex for your shell, you can FEX_DEFAULT_COMMAND to change what flags fex is invoked using. For example:

# Sets time displayed to access time and hides icons
export FEX_DEFAULT_COMMAND="fex --time-type accessed --no-icons"


You can configure fex by passing it args.


Config is picked up from the FEX_DEFAULT_COMMAND envvar and CLI args passed when calling fex. CLI args take precedence.

Display Config

Changes values displayed in an item line.

arg description
--[no-]icons Show or hide icons. Note: icons need a patched font to work.
--[no-]size Show or hide item sizes
--[no-]time Show or hide time
--[no-]perm Show or hide permission info
--[no-]link Show or hide link target
--[no-]user Show or hide user name
--[no-]group Show or hide group name
--time-type VALUE Set which time is displayed. VALUE: modified, accessed, changed. Default: modified

Search Config

This changes search behavior.

arg description
--regular-search Uses regular search, instead of fuzzy search
--match-case Match search query case, instead of ignoring


fex uses smart case matching by default i.e case is ignored until you enter an upper case character.

Other Args

arg description
--help Prints the help message and quits.
--version Prints the version and quits.


fex has three modes:


Keys mentioned in angle-brackets such as <enter> show which key has to be pressed. Keys mentioned without such as cd are sequences that have to be typed.

Navigation Controls

key action
j, <down-arrow> Cursor down
k, <up-arrow> Cursor up
h, <left-arrow> Up a dir
l, <right-arrow> Down a dir (if item is a dir)
gg Jump to first item in the list
G Jump to last item in the list
{ Jump to prev item with a different level
} Jump to next item with a different level

Action Controls

key action
<enter> Toggle directory or open file
o Open item
E Expand all directories under root
C Collapse all directories
R Change root to item under cursor (if dir)
I Toggle item stat info
1..9 Expand all directories up to $NUM depth
q, <ctrl-d> Quit
<tab> Toggle item selection under cursor
/ Toggle search mode
: Toggle command mode

File System Controls

key action
cd Quit and change directory to item under cursor (needs setup)

Search Mode Controls

Type / in regular mode to initiate search mode.

key action
<escape> Quit search, restore cursor to pre-search position
<enter> Quit search, cursor stays on found item

Command Mode Controls

Type : in regular mode to initiate command mode.

key action
<escape> Quit command mode
<enter> Quit fex, execute command with selected items or item under cursor as arg(s)

Display Toggle Controls

Toggle displayed information.

key action
I Toggle item stat info
ti Toggle icon display
tp Toggle permission info display
ts Toggle size display
tt Toggle time display
tl Toggle link target display
tu Toggle user name display
tg Toggle group name display
tm Display modified time
ta Display accessed time
tc Display changed time

Platform Support

fex should ideally compile and run on all macOS and Linux targets supported by Zig. Some features such as opening fs items work only on macOS for now.

Portions of fex code is platform specific and Windows compatibility has not been accounted for. This may be added in later.

arch macOS Linux Windows
arm works does not compile does not compile
x86 compiles works does not compile

Currently fex only has shell integration for Zsh. Fish and Bash integrations will be added.