1999 / node-couchdb

ES2015-compatible package to interact with CouchDB
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couchdb nodejs

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node-couchdb package provides an easy way to interact with CouchDB using preferred cache layer:


npm install node-couchdb --save



node-couchdb exports constructor, which accepts one object argument with properties host ( by default), port (5984 by default), protocol (http by default), cache (one of plugins, null by default), auth (object with properties {user, pass}) and timeout for all requests (5000 by default). All object fields are optional.

ES Module:

import NodeCouchDb from 'node-couchdb';

Common JS:

const NodeCouchDb = require('node-couchdb');
// node-couchdb instance with default options
const couch = new NodeCouchDb({
    auth: {
        user: AUTH_USER,
        pass: AUTH_PASS

// node-couchdb instance with Memcached
const MemcacheNode = require('node-couchdb-plugin-memcached');
const couchWithMemcache = new NodeCouchDb({
    cache: new MemcacheNode,
    auth: {
        user: AUTH_USER,
        pass: AUTH_PASS

// node-couchdb instance talking to external service
const couchExternal = new NodeCouchDb({
    host: 'couchdb.external.service',
    protocol: 'https',
    port: 6984,
    auth: {
        user: AUTH_USER,
        pass: AUTH_PASS

All node-couchdb methods return Promise instances which resolve if everything works as expected and reject with Error instance which usually has code and body fields. See package source and tests for more info.

Create database

couch.createDatabase(dbName).then(() => {...}, err => {
    // request error occured

Drop database

couch.dropDatabase(dbName).then(() => {...}, err => {
    // request error occured

List databases

couch.listDatabases().then(dbs => dbs.map(...), err => {
    // request error occured

Get document by its id

couch.get("databaseName", "some_document_id").then(({data, headers, status}) => {
    // data is json response
    // headers is an object with all response headers
    // status is statusCode number
}, err => {
    // either request error occured
    // ...or err.code=EDOCMISSING if document is missing
    // ...or err.code=EUNKNOWN if statusCode is unexpected

Get view results

const dbName = "database";
const startKey = ["Ann"];
const endKey = ["George"];
const viewUrl = "_design/list/_view/by_firstname";

const queryOptions = {
    startkey: startKey,
    endkey: endKey

couch.get(dbName, viewUrl, queryOptions).then(({data, headers, status}) => {
    // data is json response
    // headers is an object with all response headers
    // status is statusCode number
}, err => {
    // either request error occured
    // ...or err.code=EDOCMISSING if document is missing
    // ...or err.code=EUNKNOWN if statusCode is unexpected

Query using Mango

const dbName = "database";
const mangoQuery = {
    selector: {
        firstname: {
            $gte: 'Ann',
            $lt: 'George'

couch.mango(dbName, mangoQuery).then(({data, headers, status}) => {
    // data is json response
    // headers is an object with all response headers
    // status is statusCode number
}, err => {
    // either request error occured
    // ...or err.code=EDOCMISSING if document is missing
    // ...or err.code=EUNKNOWN if statusCode is unexpected

Insert a document

couch.insert("databaseName", {
    _id: "document_id",
    field: ["sample", "data", true]
}).then(({data, headers, status}) => {
    // data is json response
    // headers is an object with all response headers
    // status is statusCode number
}, err => {
    // either request error occured
    // ...or err.code=EDOCCONFLICT if document with the same id already exists

Update a document

// note that "doc" must have both "_id" and "_rev" fields
couch.update("databaseName", {
    _id: "document_id",
    _rev: "1-xxx"
    field: "new sample data",
    field2: 1
}).then(({data, headers, status}) => {
    // data is json response
    // headers is an object with all response headers
    // status is statusCode number
}, err => {
    // either request error occured
    // ...or err.code=EFIELDMISSING if either _id or _rev fields are missing

Insert an attachment

couch.insertAttachment("databaseName", "document id", "attachment name", "attachment body", "doc revision").then(({data, headers, status}) => {
    // data is json response
    // headers is an object with all response headers
    // status is statusCode number
}, err => {
    // either request error occured
    // ...or err.code=EFIELDMISSING if either _id or _rev fields are missing

Delete an attachment

// note that "doc" must have both "_id" and "_rev" fields
couch.update("databaseName", "document id", "attachment name", "doc revision").then(({data, headers, status}) => {
    // data is json response
    // headers is an object with all response headers
    // status is statusCode number
}, err => {
    // either request error occured
    // ...or err.code=EFIELDMISSING if either _id or _rev fields are missing

Use an update function

couch.updateFunction("databaseName", "designDocument", "updateFunction", {optional query string}, "docid").then(({data, headers, status}) => {
    // data is json response
    // headers is an object with all response headers
    // status is statusCode number
}, err => {
    // either request error occured
    // ...or err.code=EFIELDMISSING if either _id or _rev fields are missing

Delete a document

couch.del("databaseName", "some_document_id", "document_revision").then(({data, headers, status}) => {
    // data is json response
    // headers is an object with all response headers
    // status is statusCode number
}, err => {
    // either request error occured
    // ...or err.code=EDOCMISSING if document does not exist
    // ...or err.code=EUNKNOWN if response status code is unexpected

Generate unique identifier(s)

// get one unique id
couch.uniqid().then(ids => ids[0]);

// get N unique ids
couch.uniqid(N).then(ids => ids.map(...));