As Jordan mentioned in issue #1 , dogbolt shouldn't be automated as it puts them at the risk of losing the commercial licenses. As a result, only the decompilation features of the bot have been turned off temporarily until I get the time to spin up a self-hosted light-weight fork of dogbolt with the open-source and enterprise decompilers given that we have a subscription to them. Till then you can use disassembly and hexdump.
Reverse engineering discord bot that does not query dogbolt for decompilation. Add it: ReverseMe Bot
Decompile with IDA, Ghidra, Binja, Angr:
Decompile with IDA/Binja/Ghidra/Angr:
;revme binja/ida/ghidra/angr
Get the hexdump:
;revme hex
Get the disassembly(intel):
;revme asm