2007750219 / softart

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Project build guide

  1. Requirements

    • Windows 7 or later
    • Visual Studio 2012 update 4 or later version.
    • Boost 1.55 or later. Please use boost 1.56 if your compiler is Visual Studio 2013.
    • Python 2.7.
    • CMake 2.8.10 or later.
    • Linux
    • Mint 16 and Mint 17 were tested.
    • GCC 4.7 or later.
    • Boost 1.55 or later.
    • Python 2.7.
    • CMake 2.8.10 or later.
  2. Build steps

    • Run build_all.py which is located at root of project.
    • If it is the first run of build_all.py, an configuration file "proj.py" will be generated.
    • Edit proj.py after read the comments of the file.
    • If build tool is visual studio, vs solution file will be generated in sub folder of 'build'.

    • Each configuration was built once build_all.py was run. But visual studio supports multiple configuratoin in one project. You should modify proj.py and execute build_all.py with different configuration, such as RelWithDebInfo or Debug.

If you have any questions, please contact:

wuye9036 at gmail dot com





  1. Visual Studio 2012 Update 4;
  2. Boost 1.55 或以上版本。如果你使用Visual Studio 2013请使用Boost 1.56或以上;
  3. Python 2.7;
  4. CMake 2.8.10或以上版本,如果使用Visual Studio 2013请使用对应的CMake版本;


  1. GCC 4.7或以上版本;
  2. Boost 1.55或以上版本;
  3. Python 2.7;
  4. CMake 2.8.10或以上版本。

运行build_all.py文件。如果您是首次运行该脚本,它会生成proj.py文件。 打开proj.py文件,阅读说明并修改配置。 再次运行build_all.py,便可以等待其直到编译结束。 如果您使用的是Visual Studio,sln文件会生成在您指定的 build_root 的目录下。


和Visual Studio默认的多配置工程不同,脚本一次只会编译一个配置(Debug, RelWithDebInfo等等)。 如果需要在工程文件中自由切换配置,需要您多次修改proj.py中的config并执行build_all.py,随后您就可以在Solution中自由切换Configuration并编译了。


wuye9036 at gmail dot com