2014gaokao / pedestrian-attribute-recognition-with-GCN

Pytorch implementation of pedestrian attribute recognition with graph convolutional network
77 stars 17 forks source link
attribute cnn gcn pytorch



Prerequisite: Python 3.6 and torch 1.1.0 and tqdm

Download RAP(v2) dataset and annotation then put in dataset directory

Train the model

( If you simply want to run the demo code without further modification, you might skip this step by downloading the weight file from Baidu Yun with password "5z1j" and put the model_best.pth.tar into directory /checkpoint/ then run
python demo.py )

   python transform_rap2.py     (transform data)
   python glove.py      (word2vec)
   python adj.py      (Adjacency matrix)
   python train.py      (weight file will locate in checkpoint directory)




method mA accuracy precision recall F1
ACN 69.66 62.61 80.12 72.26 75.98
DeepMar 73.79 62.02 74.92 76.21 75.56
HP-Net 76.12 65.39 77.33 78.79 78.05
JRL 77.81 - 78.11 78.98 78.58
VeSPa 77.70 67.35 79.51 79.67 79.59
Ours 75.97 68.99 81.48 79.97 80.72