2017-iEvoBio / organization

Logistical details, Suggestions for discussion topics, Agenda
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iEvoBio 2017

The iEvoBio conference will take place before and during the first day of the Evolution Conference, June 23-24, 2017, in Portland, OR. One Friday, June 23 we will meet at 9 am in room B113 of the Oregon Convention Center.

View our WordPress site for additional conference announcements.

Schedule of Events

iEvoBio is an unconference: a good part of the organization and the topics being discussed are decided by the participants before and during the event. The theme of 2017 iEvoBio is "Reproducibility challenges for non-computational biologists".

Please make sure you have registered to iEvoBio (it is seperate from the Evolution conference registration but uses the same system)

How to submit a proposal for a Bird of a Feather topic/lighting talk/software bazaar?

We are going coordinate this pre-conference discussion through GitHub. GitHub is a website that can be used to share source code. It also provides a really nice forum-like discussion tool through "issues". We ask anyone who would like to present to the Software Bazaar, propose a topic for birds of a feather, or lighting talk, to open an issue. The issue is prepopulated with a template for each of the possible proposal types. Modify this template to make it look like the examples for a lighting talk, a Bird of a Feather topic, or a Software bazaar. Each iEvoBio participant can submit one lighting talk and one Software bazaar proposal. They can however submit multiple Bird of a feather topics.

We encourage all users to discuss these topics, find like-minded people to work with at iEvoBio or make contact with software developers for whom you have questions. The discussions on GitHub are subject to our Code of Conduct.

What is GitHub and why do a need an account?

We want the short amount of time we have for iEvoBio to be as useful as possible for everyone who attends. For that reason we encourage conference-goers to talk among themselves about what they might work on, talk about or hope to learn during the meeting.

In order to contribute to these discussion you will need to sign up for an account at https://github.com/join. Github provides some nice documentation for making the most out of github issues, though none of the features described there are needed to contribute to a discussion.

Organizing committee