2020-fall-cs160-team-mew / 2020-fall-cs160-team-mew.github.io

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2020 Fall CS 160 Project


Set up testing environment

NBA Loop is a software that uses both a MYSQL Database and NPMs.

Our used IDE was Visual Studios but you can pick any that suits your needs best as long as it supports Node.js HTML CSS JS.

To get Started make a pull request from master. Make sure the files are sorted accordingly.

│   README.md
│   All HTML files    
│   └───CSS
│       │   All Css Files
│       JS
│       │   All JS Files aside from App.js
│       Images   
│       │   All Images

Now some file dependencies go ahead and install Node make sure it is the most updated version. Next cd into the file directory and run.

npm install express
npm install mysql 

You may use whatever MYSQL database you have already been using locally and connect your MYSQL database in app.js accordingly.

const connection = mysql.createConnection({
  host: 'localhost',
  user: 'root',
  password: 'root',

If you want to use our method install MAMP software and turn on the MYSQL database. Instructions to install Mamp are in the following link: https://www.mamp.info/en/downloads/

Once set up delete the database line in the following code.

const connection = mysql.createConnection({
  host: 'localhost',
  user: 'root',
  password: 'root',


  node app.js

and visit the links

http://localhost:3000/createdb http://localhost:3000/createuser

Next terminate your host and rerun it with the new mySQL connection including the database line.

const connection = mysql.createConnection({
  host: 'localhost',
  user: 'root',
  password: 'root',


  node app.js

You may now visit and you have been set up locally but you do not have full functionality yet see Public API's section http://localhost:3000/index.html

API's on http://localhost:3000

get /createdb/ -- creates DB

get /createtable/ -- creates Table

post /createinstance/ -- creates user

get /getuserinstance/ -- returns user

post /updateuserinstance/ -- returns updated user

post /deleteuserinstance/ -- deletes user - not used in code but for personal use

Public API's

Make a https://sportsdata.io/ free membership that comes with 20000 api calls. and copy paste the APIKEY in the header.js file

 const APIKEY = 297249474292247;

Software notes


Postman testing

Cypress testing

In your terminal run

npm install cypress

Then to run the tests run

npm run cypress

For more information on cypress as well as a beginner tutorial visit:


Docker Image Testing

Log in to Docker using the instructions found on https://hub.docker.com/

Next run these commands in your terminal and in the corresponding directory.

docker login
docker build -t docker-application-build .
docker run -it -p 3000:3000 docker-application-build

You will now see the Docker image docker-application-build in your Docker directory!

Welcome to Team Mew!

Cypress Tests

describe('Login Fail', () => { it('Visits Home Page', () => { cy.visit('http://localhost:3000/index.html') cy.get('a[id="signup"]').click() cy.get('a[id="formsignup"]').click() cy.get('p[id="resultsubmite"]').then(function($elem) { cy.log($elem.text()) expect($elem.text()).to.equal("Error") })

}) })

describe('Login Success', () => { it('Visits Home Page', () => { cy.visit('http://localhost:3000/index.html') cy.get('a[id="signup"]').click() cy.get('input[id="emailsign"]').type('cypresstest@gmail.com') cy.get('input[id="passwordsign"]').type('cypresspass') cy.get('input[id="passwordsign2"]').type('cypresspass') cy.get('a[id="formsignup"]').click() }) })