2020IP / TwentyTwenty.Storage

A cross-cloud storage abstraction
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20|20 Storage

Build status Nuget Version


20|20 Storage uses the least common denominator of functionality between the supported providers to build a cross-cloud storage solution.

Currently supported providers are:

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Basic Usage


IStorageProvider provider = new AmazonStorageProvider(new AmazonProviderOptions
    Bucket = "mybucketname",
    PublicKey = "mypublickey",
    SecretKey = "mysecretkey"

(See next section for adding provider accounts)

Saving a blob:
// Defualt blob properties can also be passed as an additional parameter
await _provider.SaveBlobStreamAsync(containerName, blobName, dataStream);
Updating a blobs properties:
await _provider.UpdateBlobPropertiesAsync(containerName, blobName, new BlobProperties
    ContentType = "application/json",
    Security = BlobSecurity.Public
Listing a containers blobs:
foreach (var blob in await _provider.ListBlobsAsync(containerName))
    // Do something with the blobs
Getting a blobs descriptor:
var descriptor = await _provider.GetBlobDescriptorAsync(containerName, blobName);
Getting a blobs stream:
using (var blobStream = await _provider.GetBlobStreamAsync(containerName, blobName))
    // Do something with the stream
Getting a blobs url:
var url = _provider.GetBlobUrl(containerName, blobName);
Getting a blobs signed(sas) read url:
var readUrl = _provider.GetBlobSasUrl(containerName, blobName, DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.AddMinutes(5));
Getting a blobs signed(sas) downloadable url:
var url = _provider.GetBlobSasUrl(containerName, blobName, DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.AddMinutes(5), isDownload: true, "myfilename.txt", "text/plain");
Getting a blobs signed(sas) write url and writing to it:
var writeUrl = _provider.GetBlobSasUrl(containerName, blobName, DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.AddMinutes(5), access: BlobUrlAccess.Write);

var httpRequest = WebRequest.Create(writeUrl) as HttpWebRequest;
httpRequest.Method = "PUT";
using (var dataStream = httpRequest.GetRequestStream())
    dataStream.Write(data.ToArray(), 0, (int)data.Length);
var response = httpRequest.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse;
Deleting a container:
await _provider.DeleteContainerAsync(containerName);
Deleting a blob:
await _provider.DeleteBlobAsync(containerName, blobName);

Adding Provider Accounts

The libary, and the functional tests within it, depends on access to actual cloud storage provider accounts. Providing these configuration values can be done through environment variables or the user secret store.

Installing User Secrets Manager

Here the instruction about the secret manager

Secrets can be listed with:

cd test\TwentyTwenty.Storage.Azure.Test
dotnet user-secrets list

Adding Provider-Specific Secrets

cd test\TwentyTwenty.Storage.Azure.Test
dotnet user-secrets set ConnectionString "my_really_long_connection_string"
cd test\TwentyTwenty.Storage.Amazon.Test
dotnet user-secrets set PublicKey "my_public_key"
dotnet user-secrets set PrivateKey "my_private_key"
dotnet user-secrets set Bucket "my_bucket_name"
dotnet user-secrets set ServerSideEncryptionMethod "AES256"
dotnet user-secrets set ProfileName "my_profile_name"
cd test\TwentyTwenty.Storage.Google.Test
dotnet user-secrets set GoogleCredJsonBase64 "my_google_base_64_json_creds"
dotnet user-secrets set GoogleBucket "my_google_bucket"