20minutes / colette

A CSS and JS starter kit for 20 Minutes web projects
MIT License
6 stars 16 forks source link
20minutes css js starter-kit

Introducing Colette

Colette is a CSS and JS starter kit for 20 Minutes web projects. It provides basic styles and mixins to build responsive layouts, based on the 20 Minutes digital identity guidelines.




With npm (recommended)

npm install colette --save


Use Colette’s styles from Stylus sources

You can use colette.css as is (or minified files colette.min.css).

But the best way to use Colette is by Stylus and JavaScript sources with a task-runner (ex: gulp, webpack).

Use gulp

To compile your stylus, use gulp and gulp-stylus

/* gulpfile.js */
gulp.task('css', function () {
   return gulp.src(cfg.cssDir + '*.styl')
        include: [
        'include css': true

PATH_TO_STYLUS_IMPORT could be node_modules for example if you use npm.

Use webpack

To compile your stylus, use stylus-loader

/* webpack.config.js */
  test: /\.styl$/i,
  use: [
      loader: 'stylus-loader',
      options: {
        paths: [
        'include css': true,
        'resolve url': true,
        stylus: {
          preferPathResolver: 'webpack',

Partial import

Colette is a collection of stylus features. You can define which styles you want to include into your final CSS file with stylus import.

By default, you include all colette.styl and all features are in your CSS. You can select features needed by copying colette.styl content and choose your imports rules.

/* my_css_file.styl */

// Your own settings

// Import colette
@require 'colette/assets/styl/colette'

/* => will compile to my_css_file.css */

But can be usefull to:

Use Colette’s JavaScript from sources

You can use colette.min.js as is.

But the best way to use it is with a task-runner by JavaScript sources (ex: gulp, webpack).

You should use babel to transpile colette code to Javascript for Browsers.