2239Technocrats / Robot2018

The code for our Robot for FIRST Steamworks 2017
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Robot 2018

FIRST team 2239's robot code for 2018

Controller Documentation

Required imports --
edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.XboxController; Initalizing and using Xbox Controllers
edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.Joystick; Initalizing and using Joysticks

Initalizing a Controller --
public XboxController controller = new XboxController(int controllerPort);
public Joystick controller = new Joystick(int controllerPort);
Initalizes either a XboxController or a Joystick and gives it the port controllerPort.


controllerClass.getRawButton(int button);
Returns a boolean, true if button on controllerClass has button pushed.
Button values (XboxController)
1 - A
2 - B
3 - X
4 - Y
5 - LB
6 - RB
7 - Back
8 - Start
9 - Left Thumbstick
10 - Right Thumbstick

Axis (Joysticks, Triggers)

controllerClass.getRawAxis(int which);
Returns a double between -1 and 1 for joysticks and 0 to 1 for triggers representing the current position of said axis. Which represents what axis to check.
Axis Values (XboxController)
0 - Left Stick X
1 - Left Stick Y
2 - Left Trigger
3 - Right Trigger
4 - Right Stick X
5 - Right Stick Y

POV Positions (D-Pad) -- controllerClass.getPOV(int pov);
Retruns a boolean, true if the POV of controllerClass is in the position defined by int pov.
Position values (XboxController)
0 - Idle
1 - Up
2 - Up-Right
3 - Right
4 - Down-Right
5 - Down
6 - Down-Left
7 - Left
8 - Left-Up