26medias / keras-face-toolbox

Fixing bugs on https://github.com/shaoanlu/face_toolbox_keras to run on Google colab
MIT License
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A collection of deep learning frameworks ported to Keras for face detection, face segmentation, face parsing, iris detection, and face verification.


This repository contains deep learning frameworks that we collected and ported to Keras. We wrapped those models into separate modules that aim to provide their functionality to users within 3 lines of code.

*Each module follows the license of their source repo.


Open In Colab

This demo requires a GPU instance.

1. Face detection

from models.detector import face_detector

im = cv2.imread(PATH_TO_IMAGE)[..., ::-1]
fd = face_detector.FaceAlignmentDetector()
bboxes = fd.detect_face(im, with_landmarks=False)

2. Face landmarks detection

The default model is 2DFAN-4. Lite models of 2DFAN-1 and 2DFAN-2 are also provided.

K80 74.3ms 92.2ms 133ms
from models.detector import face_detector

im = cv2.imread(PATH_TO_IMAGE)[..., ::-1]
fd = face_detector.FaceAlignmentDetector()
bboxes, landmarks = fd.detect_face(im, with_landmarks=True)

3. Face parsing

from models.parser import face_parser

im = cv2.imread(PATH_TO_IMAGE)[..., ::-1]
fp = face_parser.FaceParser()
# fp.set_detector(fd) # fd = face_detector.FaceAlignmentDetector()
parsing_map = fp.parse_face(im, bounding_box=None, with_detection=False)

4. Eye region landmarks detection

Faster face detection using MTCNN can be found in this repo.

from models.detector import iris_detector

im = cv2.imread(PATH_TO_IMAGE)[..., ::-1]
idet = iris_detector.IrisDetector()
idet.set_detector(fd) # fd = face_detector.FaceAlignmentDetector()
eye_landmarks = idet.detect_iris(im)

5. Face verification

InceptionResNetV1 from davidsandberg/facenet and LResNet100E-IR (ArcFace@ms1m-refine-v2) from deepinsight/insightface are provided as face verificaiton model. To use ArcFace model, download the weights file from here and put it under ./models/verifier/insightface/.

from models.verifier import face_verifier

im1 = cv2.imread(PATH_TO_IMAGE1)[..., ::-1]
im2 = cv2.imread(PATH_TO_IMAGE2)[..., ::-1]
fv = face_verifier.FaceVerifier(extractor="facenet") # extractor="insightface"
# fv.set_detector(fd) # fd = face_detector.FaceAlignmentDetector()
result, distance = fv.verify(im1, im2, threshold=0.5, with_detection=False, return_distance=True)

6. Gender and age estimation

from models.estimator import gender_age_estimator

im = cv2.imread(PATH_TO_IMAGE)[..., ::-1]
gae = gender_age_estimator.GenderAgeEstimator()
gae.set_detector(fd) # fd = face_detector.FaceAlignmentDetector()
gender, age = gae.predict_gender_age(im, with_detection=True)

Known issues

It works fine on Colab at this point (2019/06/11) but for certain Keras/TensorFlow version, it throws errors loading 2DFAN-1_keras.h5 or 2DFAN-2_keras.h5.



We learnt a lot from 1adrianb/face-alignment, zllrunning/face-parsing.PyTorch, swook/GazeML, deepinsight/insightface, and davidsandberg/facenet.