287mdsahil / lexical_analyzer

JU BCSEIII Compiler Design Project
GNU General Public License v3.0
3 stars 0 forks source link

Some information regarding the project.

Project Structure

├── bin
|   └── <will contain compiled objects>
├── README.md
└── src
    ├── algorithms
    │   ├── SubsetConstruction.java
    │   └── Thompson.java
    ├── automata
    │   ├── DFA.java
    │   └── NFA.java
    ├── lexer
    │   ├── Lexer.java
    │   └── LexToken.java
    ├── Main.java
    ├── regex
    │   ├── InfixToPostfix.java
    │   ├── Regex.java
    │   ├── RegexSpecialChar.java
    │   ├── RegexToken.java
    │   ├── RegexTokenType.java
    │   ├── RegexTree.java
    │   ├── RegexTreeNode.java
    │   └── RegexTreeNodeType.java
    └── utils
        ├── Buffer.java
        └── StringEscapeUtils.java

Package Information

  1. algorithms - implementation of thompson and subset construction algorithms
  2. automata - finite state machines like NFA and DFA
  3. lexer - lexical analyzer
  4. regex - regular expression parsing, and utilities like shunting yard algorithm and tree generation
  5. utils - utility classes for support like buffer and string escaping

UML Diagram

Image failed to load


Follow the above folder stucture. For compilation use javac. Mention the classpath (-cp), the destination (-d) and the encoding (-encoding).

syntax_analyzer>javac -cp src/ -d bin/ -encoding utf-8 src/Main.java



Use the java command. Link the compiled binaries in the classpath. Refer to classes by their fully qualified package name before the class name. The <output_symbol_table_file> is optional; if not given, the symbol table will be printed to the console. The argument -v is an optional flag, which when enabled displays the intermediate regex trees, NFAs and DFAs on the console.

syntax analyzer>java -cp bin/ Main <regex_file> <program_file> [<output_symbol_table_file>] [-v]

Regex file syntax

In the regex file we can add our token descriptions. Each line contains one token description. The syntax is as follows:

<token_name_1> <regex_exp_1>
<token_name_2> <regex_exp_2>
Supported special regex chars
Example regex file
KEYWORD int|float|return|for|if|else
INTEGER [09][09]*
FLOAT (([09][09]*\.[09]*)|([09]*\.[09][09]*))(ε|((e|E)(+|-|ε)[09][09]*))
IDENTIFIER (_|[AZaz])(_|[09AZaz])*
PUNCTUATOR {|}|\(|\)|;|,
WHITESPACE (\u0020|\t|\r|\n)(\u0020|\t|\r|\n)*
REL_OP <|>|==|<=|>=
ARITH_OP +|-|/|\*

Part 1: Regular expressions to identify identifiers, integers and floats.

Type Actual Regex (Lex Format) Regex Used (In Our Regex File)
KEYWORD if\|int\|float\|for if\|int\|float\|for
IDENTIFIER [_A-Za-z][_0-9A-Za-z]* (_\|[AZaz])(_\|[09AZaz])*
INTEGER (+\|-)?[0-9][0-9]* (+\|-\|ε)[09][09]*
FLOAT (+\|-)?(([0-9]+\.[0-9]*)\|([0-9]*\.[0-9]+))((e\|E)(+\|-)?[0-9]+))? (+\|-\|ε)(([09][09]*\.[09]*)\|([09]*\.[09][09]*))(ε\|((e\|E)(+\|-\|ε)[09][09]*))