2DegreesInvesting / tiltPlot

Plots for the TILT project
GNU General Public License v3.0
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experimental R-CMD-check Codecov test

The goal of tiltPlot is to provide plots for the TILT project.


You can install the development version of tiltPlot from GitHub with:

# install.packages("pak")


library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)

1. Sankey Plot with financial data

#> # A tibble: 264 × 23
#>    bank_id amount_total company_name postcode benchmark ep_product
#>    <chr>          <int> <chr>           <int> <chr>     <chr>     
#>  1 bank_a          1000 tilman          12043 all       car       
#>  2 bank_a          1000 tilman          12043 all       tractor   
#>  3 bank_a          1000 tilman          12043 all       steel     
#>  4 bank_a          1000 tilman          12043 all       car       
#>  5 bank_a          1000 tilman          12043 all       tractor   
#>  6 bank_a          1000 tilman          12043 all       steel     
#>  7 bank_a          1000 tilman          12043 all       car       
#>  8 bank_a          1000 tilman          12043 all       tractor   
#>  9 bank_a          1000 tilman          12043 all       steel     
#> 10 bank_a          1000 tilman          12043 all       car       
#> # ℹ 254 more rows
#> # ℹ 17 more variables: co2_footprint_product <dbl>, tilt_sector <chr>,
#> #   tilt_subsector <chr>, isic_4digit <int>, isic_4digit_name <chr>,
#> #   amount_of_distinct_products <int>, equal_weight_finance <dbl>,
#> #   worst_case_finance <int>, best_case_finance <int>, emission_profile <chr>,
#> #   profile_ranking <dbl>, sector_profile <chr>, scenario <chr>, year <int>,
#> #   reduction_targets <dbl>, transition_risk_score <dbl>, …
fin <- financial
benchmark <- "tilt_sector"
mode <- "equal_weight"
plot_sankey(fin, with_company = TRUE, benchmark = "tilt_sector", mode = "equal_weight") +
    "Sankey Plot",
    paste("Stratified by the amount of loan by the bank, with the", mode, "mode", "and benchmark", benchmark)

You can also choose to have the plot without the company node.

plot_sankey(fin, with_company = FALSE, benchmark = "tilt_sector", mode = "equal_weight")

Finally, the user can choose different modes to plot the Sankey plot with financial data available.

plot_sankey(fin, with_company = FALSE, benchmark = "tilt_sector", mode = "best_case")

2. Emission profile plots with financial data

#> # A tibble: 264 × 23
#>    bank_id amount_total company_name postcode benchmark ep_product
#>    <chr>          <int> <chr>           <int> <chr>     <chr>     
#>  1 bank_a          1000 tilman          12043 all       car       
#>  2 bank_a          1000 tilman          12043 all       tractor   
#>  3 bank_a          1000 tilman          12043 all       steel     
#>  4 bank_a          1000 tilman          12043 all       car       
#>  5 bank_a          1000 tilman          12043 all       tractor   
#>  6 bank_a          1000 tilman          12043 all       steel     
#>  7 bank_a          1000 tilman          12043 all       car       
#>  8 bank_a          1000 tilman          12043 all       tractor   
#>  9 bank_a          1000 tilman          12043 all       steel     
#> 10 bank_a          1000 tilman          12043 all       car       
#> # ℹ 254 more rows
#> # ℹ 17 more variables: co2_footprint_product <dbl>, tilt_sector <chr>,
#> #   tilt_subsector <chr>, isic_4digit <int>, isic_4digit_name <chr>,
#> #   amount_of_distinct_products <int>, equal_weight_finance <dbl>,
#> #   worst_case_finance <int>, best_case_finance <int>, emission_profile <chr>,
#> #   profile_ranking <dbl>, sector_profile <chr>, scenario <chr>, year <int>,
#> #   reduction_targets <dbl>, transition_risk_score <dbl>, …

On a company level:

fin <- financial

benchmarks <- c("all", "unit")

fin |>
  filter(company_name == "tilman") |>
  bar_plot_emission_profile_financial(benchmarks, mode = "equal_weight") +
  labs(title = "Emission profile of all products on a company level, on an equal
       weight financial mode")

On a portfolio level:

bar_plot_emission_profile_financial(fin, benchmarks, mode = "equal_weight") +
  labs(title = "Emission profile of all products on a portfolio level, on an equal
       weight financial mode")

3. Emission profile plots without financial data

#> # A tibble: 114 × 12
#>    company_name postcode emission_profile benchmark ep_product tilt_sector
#>    <chr>           <int> <chr>            <chr>     <chr>      <chr>      
#>  1 bruno           27568 high             all       car        D          
#>  2 bruno           27568 high             all       steel      C          
#>  3 bruno           27568 medium           all       wheat      B          
#>  4 mauro           39221 high             all       steel      C          
#>  5 mauro           39221 high             all       machine    C          
#>  6 mirja           34117 high             all       tractor    D          
#>  7 mirja           34117 high             all       cattle     A          
#>  8 pasant          80337 high             all       tractor    D          
#>  9 pasant          80337 low              all       apple      A          
#> 10 peter           88131 high             all       banana     A          
#> # ℹ 104 more rows
#> # ℹ 6 more variables: tilt_subsector <chr>, isic_4digit <chr>,
#> #   isic_4digit_name <chr>, equal_weight <dbl>, worst_case <dbl>,
#> #   best_case <dbl>

Plot on a company level. The user can choose any number of benchmark to be plotted.

no_fin <- without_financial

benchmarks <- c("all", "isic_4digit", "unit")

no_fin |>
  filter(company_name == "peter") |>
  bar_plot_emission_profile(benchmarks, mode = "equal_weight") +
  labs(title = "Emission profile of all products on a company level")

Plot on a portfolio level.

bar_plot_emission_profile(no_fin, benchmarks, mode = "equal_weight") +
  labs(title = "Emission profile of all products on a portfolio level")

4. Scatter plot of the emission profiles and transition risk scores, with financial data

fin <- financial
scenario <- "WEO"
year <- 2030
benchmarks <- c("all", "unit")
mode <- "best_case"

  benchmarks = benchmarks,
  mode = mode,
  scenario = scenario,
  year = year

5. Create a German map with risk categories color gradient, without financial

Different modes can be chosen: “equal_weight”, “worst_case” and “best_case”. If nothing is chosen, equal_weight the default mode.

no_fin <- without_financial

map_region_risk(no_fin, "DE", benchmark = "tilt_sector", mode = "best_case") +
  labs(title = "German map of high, medium and low proportions of the companies
  that are found in one region.
  © EuroGeographics for the administrative boundaries ")
#> Extracting data using giscoR package, please report issues on https://github.com/rOpenGov/giscoR/issues
#> Cache management as per giscoR. see 'giscoR::gisco_get_nuts()'