2amigos / yii2-app-template

Yii 2 Basic Application Template with ConfigKit.
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Yii 2 Project Template With ConfigKit

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This project is an example of what can be done with https://github.com/2amigos/yii2-config-kit.

It's a proposed application project template for Yii2 projects. This new template is perfect for projects of any size. Even though the Yii community recommends the usage of the advanced project template, but if we look carefully at that template you'll soon realize that what it has is simply three applications in one: backend / frontend / console. So, what's the difference between that template and this one? A shared common folder and another app? What stops you from doing the same with this type of starting point architecture? Right, absolutely nothing.

Our knowledge and experience with Yii has taught us that the advanced template is not really necessary to build anything that this template cannot also handle. Do you wish to create a super-admin application? Then simply add another folder wherever you wish and inject the shared resources from the src folder, the business or domain logic.

If you are using our proposed template then please take into consideration some recommendations from us:

Yii is a great framework, because of all the tools that it encapsulates. It has great flexibility and even though a lot of people complain about its inheritance madness and internal design, it is still a good robust framework. We just need to be very cautious with that power, as it could bring you more problems than advantages.

Directory Structure

app                 [ Yii's application related code: commands, components, controllers, bundles, models, modules, 
|                     views and widgets ]
├── assets          [ contains asset's definitions ]
├── commands        [ contains Console commands (Yii names them controllers) ]
├── controllers     [ contains Web controller classes ]
├── migrations      [ database migrations ]
├── models          [ contains model classes ]
├── views           [ contains application views ]
└── widgets         [ contains widget components ]
bin                 [ contains command-line executable scripts ]
bootstrap           [ contains bootstrap process files ]
config              [ contains application configuration files ]
public              [ contains Web application entry script + static resources ]
runtime             [ contains files generated during application's runtime ]
src                 [ contains domain business logic files. Portable code, free of Yii's code. Build your library here. ]
tests               [ contains codeception tests for your application ]


The minimum requirement by this project template that your Web server supports PHP 5.4.0. But we highly recommend you use the latest PHP 7+.


Install via Composer

If you do not have Composer, you may install it by following the instructions at getcomposer.org.

You can then install this project template using the following command:

php composer.phar create-project --prefer-dist --stability=dev 2amigos/yii2-app-template your-site-name

Once the commands finish simply do the following:

cd your-site-name 
composer start-server 

You will then can access your application on http://localhost:8080. To stop the server, simply type on your terminal
composer stop-server and it will be stopped. You could also simply Ctrl+C to stop the script execution.

Please note, that the composer's commands included on this template have been tested on Linux | Mac environments, no Windows sorry.


Tests are located in tests directory. They are developed with Codeception PHP Testing Framework. By default there are 3 test suites:

First run the test server. This command will inject the index-test.php script on your web root so you will be able to run your functional and acceptance tests:

composer start-test-server 

Then tests can be execute by running:

composer exec codecept run

Or, if you have codeception installed globally simply:

codecept run 

Clean code

We have added some development tools for you to check your work for clean code:

And you should use them in that order.

Using php mess detector

Sample with all options available:

 ./vendor/bin/phpmd ./src text codesize,unusedcode,naming,design,controversial,cleancode

Using code sniffer

 ./vendor/bin/phpcs -s --report=source --standard=PSR2 ./

Using code fixer

We have added a PHP code fixer to standardize our code. It includes Symfony, PSR2 and some contributors rules.

./vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix ./src --config .php_cs
