2e0byo / YADC

Yet Another DVSA (Test) Checker
MIT License
25 stars 15 forks source link

[YADC is not under active development any more. If someone would like to take over, contact me.]

YADC: Yet Another (DVSA) cancellations Checker

YADC is yet another checker for driving cancellations in the UK.


YADC is:

YADC is not:


With pip

YADC is now deployed on PyPi, so you can just

python3 -m pip install YADC

However, since every individual setup is going to vary somewhat, YADC is only a library. You still have to decide how to use it. A starting point is provided in the main.py of this repository: save it somewhere, edit it, and off you go. A dummy CLI is provided which will merely direct you to do this ;)

If anyone wishes to write a proper CLI I will happily merge it.

Note that if you want captcha defeating you need to download buster and unzip it somewhere you can get at from your main.py. Likewise if you want tor, it needs to be installed and executable as the user running your `main.py`.

From git (for development).



Currently you have to be at the computer to do anything. You will see the browser moving, which should help. If you want to interact with it manually, hit Ctrl-z in the terminal to stop execution of the script, and the browser is yours (note that manual interaction increases the chance of being detected by some anti-bot measures). If the script finds a test it will notify you with the notify function you set (the default is just `print`, so do set something more appropriate! A nice service is `pushover`, though it does have a once-off payment). If the script does find a test it will block

Roadmap / Good first PRs

Use in other projects

YADC has been written to be reusable. See docs/reusing for pointers.

Appeal to DVSA

The current situation is a mess. Because of the pandemic, there are no tests for months; that is not your fault. So we are all forced either to wait for months, or to book a last-minute cancellation. But we can't do that, because all the companies using bots to find tests snatch them up. So we all use those companies; and then DVSA's website becomes even more useless. There are two easy solutions you could adopt:

Instead of these, you make the already useless website even harder to use. Bot protection is an uphill battle. So is bot developing. The only people who profit from this are companies like google (via chrome/chromium).