2i2c Documentation and Related Resources
Diátaxis - A systematic framework for technical documentation authoring.
Documentation: tutorials, how-to guides, technical reference, explanations
How is this repository different from 2i2c-org/docs?
- 2i2c-org/docs is a website providing an overview of the Managed JupyterHub Service, as well as documentation that is relevant to Service Team members that are outside of 2i2c (such as JupyterHub Administration, User Guides, Pricing, etc). This is mostly service documentation.
- 2i2c-org/diataxis includes documentation, case studies, example notebooks, and training materials useful to both 2i2c and all of our partner communities. It includes examples from projects not directly supported by 2i2c, but which may be highly relevant to users of 2i2c's Managed JupyterHub Service.