The Akka-FTP project is the reactive FTP server which uses Akka actors under the hood. It also provides the AngularJS web dashboard with Spray backend.
For details check out the Akka-FTP blog. Please read the introduction chapter and the follow-up posts.
Feedback email
You need to install SBT to build and run the server. Then clone the repository and from the project directory sbt run
$ sbt run
[info] ...
[info] Running com.coldcore.akkaftp.Launcher
To stop the server either ^C
or send a GET request to http://localhost:8021/api/action/shutdown
ColoradoFTP for the FTP commands and ideas.
Gabbler the excellent example of Akka, Spray and AngularJS.
Contributions via GitHub pull requests are gladly accepted from their original author. Along with any pull requests, please state that the contribution is your original work and that you license the work to the project under the project's open source license. Whether or not you state this explicitly, by submitting any copyrighted material via pull request, email, or other means you agree to license the material under the project's open source license and warrant that you have the legal authority to do so.
This code is open source software licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License v3.
Please read this chapter before submitting a bug.