3DStreet / citybuilderjr

Experiment to make a simple tile-based city block builder
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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City building demo project showing gltf to app pipeline using gltf-transform and screenshot-glb.

Continuation of https://glitch.com/~aframe-2-vr-menus tile based block editor




This repo is intended to show an example of a complete gltf pipeline from exported gltf file through optimization and screenshot generation and a json file to describe the model library for use in front-end apps.

Build instructions

After running npm install then run npm run gltf:pipeline to do the full 3 step process of auditing, building and creating screenshots for your source glTF library.

Or, you can run each script separately in this order:

  1. node gltf-audit.mjs -i ./src/models - create initial gltf-audit.json output
  2. node gltf-build.mjs -i ./src/models -o ./dist/models -u - create optimized glb models
  3. node gltf-screenshots.mjs -i ./dist/models -o ./dist/img -u - create preview images for each glb

Each of the 3 scripts above have corresponding npm scripts to be accessed like npm run gltf:audit, npm run gltf:build, and npm run gltf:screenshots. The command npm run gltf:pipeline simply runs all 3 in that order.

gltf utility script description


Generates json file with details about gltf or glb files in project ./src/ path

example usage: $ node gltf-audit -i src

-i is optional to specify a directory to audit


Takes input directory of assets and optimizes each including adding draco compression to an output directory

example usage: $ node gltf-build -i src -o dist


Create screenshots for all glb files found in input path using the screenshot-glb script.

example usage $ node gltf-screenshots -i ./dist/ -o ./dist/ $ node gltf-screenshots -i ./dist/ -o ./dist/ -u

screenshot-glb (shopify script)

example usage: $ screenshot-glb -i input.glb -o test.png