3TUSK / Temp-l10n

Frozen - checkout https://github.com/TartaricAcid/Minecraft-Mod-Language-Package for Minecraft 1.12+
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[Open Project][Challenge-Accepted][Finished!] List of unlocalized mods #52

Closed 3TUSK closed 8 years ago

3TUSK commented 9 years ago

(Removed unrelated stuff) Here is a list of mods demanding Chinese(Simplified) localization. Unfinished, and it will be our long-term plan.


Details: The form is no longer existed. Everything is totally done. No longer worry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3TUSK commented 9 years ago

@bakaxyf If you have time please consider about those mods.

3TUSK commented 8 years ago

Metallurgy Classic Machine gets localized. Remove it from list.

3TUSK commented 8 years ago

Oh what a hell... @bakaxyf @CannonFotter @UUUii @IamAchang look at what I found today: https://github.com/AlexFearn/SinoCraft https://github.com/hypercross/SinoCraft Seriously? They have never announced as a open-source project. Even nobody have thought on that. (总而言之就是为什么不考虑把这坑接下去...)

UUUii commented 8 years ago

Do what you want:3..(假装不认识233)

3TUSK commented 8 years ago

I am just kidding. (刚才那些话全部当屁处理)

UUUii commented 8 years ago

Aha...but your cold is cured.

3TUSK commented 8 years ago

True... however I am not good at drawing. Edit: Immersive Engineering localization finished so it get removed from list.

3TUSK commented 8 years ago

Nuclear Control 2 has caught up its zh_CN localization. Yeah

bakaxyf commented 8 years ago

How about pam's harvestcraft?

sb023612's Localization

3TUSK commented 8 years ago

If we can keep touch on her...

3TUSK commented 8 years ago

@bakaxyf ChromatiCraft--->彩晶魔法 Chroma (Greek. χρῶμα) =color, colour (English.) 色彩,表明和DyeTrees的联系。 晶,晶体(Crystal):ChromatiCraft的水晶相关内容来自GeoStrata,详见repo简介。 魔法:这mod并不科学,虽然手册是RoC风格的。(实际上分明是DragonAPI的身影...) 你怎么看。(我是对那些看见craft就翻译成“工艺”的人表示无奈了,试问IC,BC,RC都是怎么翻译出来的)

bakaxyf commented 8 years ago

How about HQM? https://github.com/lorddusk/HQM/pull/48/

3TUSK commented 8 years ago


3TUSK commented 8 years ago

@bakaxyf 等正式Merge了再说吧。 "Craft"在很多时候都只是一个虚词...以后如果遇到有模组名字里带craft,务必小心。

3TUSK commented 8 years ago

@bakaxyf Tinkers Construct needs language file update?
Definitely TiC needs update: it missing several entries and a whole manual (weaponry). https://www.reddit.com/r/feedthebeast/comments/3r8nnb/3_years_of_tinkers_construct_development_in_5/

3TUSK commented 8 years ago

Remove Agricraft due to claybiockiller, thermal expansion and thermal fundation.

Edit: none of these mods has completed translation; it is because I want to avoid asynchronous work progress that I removed from this agenda.

3TUSK commented 8 years ago

Remove Biome O' Plenty because someone seems to work on that already.

3TUSK commented 8 years ago

@bakaxyf Be prepared: WARNING: Will start to translate botania soon

3TUSK commented 8 years ago

@UUUii @bakaxyf @IamAchang @CannonFotter QQ号疑似被盗,暂时无法通过qq联系。如果发现有任何异常均当作qq号已经被盗处理。事态紧急。 EMERGENCY STATUS CANCELED

3TUSK commented 8 years ago

Closed #17 and move to here. I need something to show that I am still here though. Tu fui ego eris. Ego Tritusk sum.

DSLM commented 8 years ago


3TUSK commented 8 years ago

@DSLM 已经找回

DSLM commented 8 years ago


3TUSK commented 8 years ago

factory n.工厂 -ization 使...化 y和i的发音都是元音/i/(貌似),Quod erat demonstrandum

DSLM commented 8 years ago


IamAchang commented 8 years ago

工厂化算是老翻译了 因式分解是直译.不过两个名字在过去是通用的

3TUSK commented 8 years ago


DSLM commented 8 years ago


IamAchang commented 8 years ago


DSLM commented 8 years ago


IamAchang commented 8 years ago

避免撕逼 拒绝回答

DSLM commented 8 years ago


CannonFotter commented 8 years ago


3TUSK commented 8 years ago

冷静,考虑下ChromatiCraft的译名@CannonFotter @DSLM @IamAchang

3TUSK commented 8 years ago

冷静,Thaumic Infusion没自带本地化 叫神秘注魔还是神秘注魔方块?个人认同后者。

DSLM commented 8 years ago


3TUSK commented 8 years ago

冷静,植物魔法的Narslimmus应该是Narcissus和slime的合成词... 参考:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Narcissus_(mythology) 直接翻译成纳尔斯莱姆斯得了,就像阿卡纳蔷薇一样(喷)

3TUSK commented 8 years ago

@bakaxyf 于是就这样把积压的工作清理没了,贺电

3TUSK commented 8 years ago

Psi. 需要找一个对魔法科高校劣等生有了解的人...

3TUSK commented 8 years ago

@CannonFotter Someone update Immersive Engineering localization please

3TUSK commented 8 years ago

Thaumic Infusion was finally localized. We will make a legacy support for Thaumci Infusion 1.7.10 based on the existed translation.

3TUSK commented 8 years ago

Added Sanguimancy. zhCN 2 vs 220+enUS, which is unacceptable.

3TUSK commented 8 years ago

@IamAchang @CannonFotter 世界再见,挖坑已挖到极致

CannonFotter commented 8 years ago


3TUSK commented 8 years ago


Joccob commented 8 years ago


3TUSK commented 8 years ago

@Joccob Congratulation, you found my to-do list.

Joccob commented 8 years ago

Ars magic 2 不是有完整汉化版本么?最近在mcbbs上看到AetherII也有人称完整汉化了...

DSLM commented 8 years ago


DSLM commented 8 years ago
