3dgeo-heidelberg / pytreedb

Python package providing a file and object-based database to store tree objects.
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Documentation: Python Dosctring Format #20

Closed lwiniwar closed 2 years ago

lwiniwar commented 2 years ago

In GitLab by @vivienzahs on Mar 16, 2022, 15:52

We might agree on a Python docstring format to have a consitent way of documentation in the code (e.g. reStructuredText, Google stype etc.). See also: http://daouzli.com/blog/docstring.html

lwiniwar commented 2 years ago

In GitLab by @bhoefle-3dgeo on Mar 16, 2022, 15:55

What is the most common one and the one you prefer? what do we use in HELIOS, py4dgeo etc? we should be consistent among our projects.

lwiniwar commented 2 years ago

In GitLab by @vivienzahs on Mar 16, 2022, 17:02

Among the most common ones are the following: reStructuredText, Google Style, Epytext and Numpydoc. Recommended by PEP 287 is reStructuredText (https://peps.python.org/pep-0287/).

In the SSC-Course we used reStructuredText and Google Style.

py4dgeo is not using a specific docstring formatter yet as far as I could see. In HELIOS, reStructuredText is used e.g. in some of the pyhelios util scripts.

So I think reStructuredText might be an option to go for.

han16nah commented 2 years ago

mostly resolved by #41