Our test instance should be protected with an API key. Currently it is completely open and can be accessed by anyone and also by bulk requests.
Possible solution:
Protect the complete API with a key. Key has to be provided with each API request as argument (or similar). This key has not be linked to a user management. Simply, it can be one key (or a list of permutations) that can only be gotten behind a human-machine detection (e.g. CAPTCHA, (QR) code for smartphone, etc.).
[x] Check API key protection options for our API implementation on test server. find technical solution.
[x] Implement a protected way to get the key (or a permutation of it on a longer list) only by humans. User then uses the key as parameter in the API request.
[ ] Implement key check on our test instance
[x] Update documentation where API of example server is used.
Problem Our test instance should be protected with an API key. Currently it is completely open and can be accessed by anyone and also by bulk requests.
Possible solution: Protect the complete API with a key. Key has to be provided with each API request as argument (or similar). This key has not be linked to a user management. Simply, it can be one key (or a list of permutations) that can only be gotten behind a human-machine detection (e.g. CAPTCHA, (QR) code for smartphone, etc.).