3it-inpaqt / line-classification-slope

Classification task from experimental charge stability diagrams to recognize angles of lines.
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angle-recognition autotuning line-recognition machine-learning quantum-dots

Line classification slope

Regression task to identify angles on charge stability diagrams of double quantum dots. However, you can also apply this model to single dot, make sure you change the setting accordingly.

DISCLAIMER: most of the experimental data used to run the trainings are under NDA and therefore cannot be shared. The plots you might have could not correspond to the one I obtained during my internship. If you wish to obtain the data, please e-mail me on my university mailbox or at chriszethird.contact@gmail.com


General information

Required python >= 3.8 and pip

pip install -r requirements.txt

You then need to download the data set and unzip it in a data folder at the root of this project. The mandatory files are:

Using Pycharm

If you are using Pycharm follow these simple steps:

  1. On GitHub, click the button <> Code and copy the link
  2. On Pycharm, go to Git > Clone
  3. Paste the url of the GitHub repository you just copied and click clone.
  4. You can now access the files. The GUI should automatically ask you if you want to download the requirements

Created files


CSV files

CSV files contain the settings of each run you will perform, given they were the best runs, with the best loss and standard deviation. These files are stored in saved\csv_files. For each loss function, one file is created. Make sure you are working on one specific research group, otherwise you risk mixing all the data. The purpose of these files is to study the correlation between the hyperparameters and the metrics obtained. You can find a plotting function at the end of utils\statistics.py if you are interested. Simply note this function was not developed further, but can provide a basis for future work.


Note: The settings do not change the structure of the neural network. This has to be done manually in either models\model.py (feed-forward) or models\cnn.py (convolution)

Create a file settings.yaml to override settings documented in utils\settings.py. From there, you can decide what model to use (feed-forward, CNN, etc.), and set the different hyperparameters.


Below is an example of the parameters you can set to train a neural network. You will be able to see what values each parameter can take and what they mean.

# Related to the diagrams
run_name: 'tmp'
research_group: 'louis_gaudreau'
pixel_size: 0.001
dot_number: 2
logger_console_level: info

patch_size_x: 18
patch_size_y: 18

# Related to angles calculation
full_circle: False

# Related to the dataset
x_path: './saved/double_dot_louis_gaudreau_populated_patches_normalized_18_18.pt'
y_path: './saved/double_dot_louis_gaudreau_populated_angles_18_18.txt'

dx: False
rotate_patch: False
include_synthetic: True

# Related to the network
run_number: 1
model_type: 'FF'
n_hidden_layers: 2
loss_fn: 'SmoothL1Loss'
beta: 0.06
num_harmonics: 10
use_threshold_loss: True
threshold_loss: 135
learning_rate: 0.0001
n_epochs: 200   # number of epochs to run
batch_size: 18  # size of each batch

kernel_size_conv:  8  # for convolution

# Related to synthetic data
synthetic: False
n_synthetic: 2000  # number of synthetic data to create
anti_alias: True
background: True
sigma: 0.1
minimum_length: 0.95  # minimum length of line to draw on synthetic patches

# Gaussian distribution for synthetic data parameters
mean_gaussian: 0.9
scale_gaussian: 0.05

Loss function

In this example the SmoothL1Loss is used for the training. You can change it by checking the name of available functions in models\loss.py and setting loss_fn to one of the following values:

The name of the function should be given as a string. From there two extra parameters should be defined: beta for the SmoothL1Loss, WeightedSmoothL1 and HarmonicMeanLoss (see definition); and num_harmonics for HarmonicFunctionLoss.

Model type

Two types of model exists: regression ('FF') and convolution ('CNN'). Entering a different name without specifying it in the settings.py file in utils\ will result in an error.

Network size

The implementation of the network is really simple, and hard-coded. You can switch to a single to two hidden layers network with the n_hidden_layers parameters. Feel free to modify the layers input size in model.py, or add more options, or simply change the definition of the model.

Loss threshold

It is possible to change the method of loss calculation. The network can indeed take into account two loss values: one between the prediction and expected value, and one between re-symmetrize prediction and expected value. Then it will keep the lowest value. To enable this option, set use_threshold_loss to True and adjust the threshold_loss to your liking. Note it makes more sense to take value above 110° when considering line symmetry.

Data augmentation

The main issue with the different dataset is the lack of data, and the unbalanced distribution of angles. To solve this, one can either rotate randomly chosen patches to get more angles values, or add extra data synthetically generated. This or is not exclusive meaning you can also do both. In my approach I decided to implement patch rotation on one hand, and synthetic data generation with patches rotation together on the other hand. To enable the first one you'll need to set rotate_patch to True, and the second include_synthetic. It is preferable you enable one option at a time so either have True/False xor False/True.

Note: When synthetic data are generated, the parameters set in the synthetic data section of settings.yaml will be used.

Misc parameters

Here is a list of some interesting but not essential parameters:

Files structure

Classes and methods

Note: If a file is not mentioned, consider it is not relevant/useful. So you should not worry about. Feel free to contact me if you think there is a mistake.

Additional files:


If you wish to simply run the program, then use run.py after setting proper parameters in the settings.yaml file and running load_dataset.py if you have experimental diagrams to work with. This allows you to be more flexible. However, you can also proceed like explained below.

Loading diagrams

Note: This phase is necessary only if you wish to work with experimental data. You can skip this step if you only want to use synthetic diagrams.

You first need to load the diagrams from the files. load_dataset.py will extract the data from the interpolated csv folder you supposedly added to a folder called data, along with the json file containing the labels' information. Furthermore, the data are then converted to pytorch tensors and stored in a folder (saved\) that you need to create.

Once the diagrams are loaded, you can access them in the folder out. With the annotated diagrams you will also find a sample of patches with lines drawn on top of them and the associated angles to show you how the angles are calculated.

Generate a model

Warning: The data structure changes whether you perform the regression or the convolution task. When loading the diagrams you have to make sure to set up the tensor accordingly. Make sure you have set up the right directory to store the output file.

The model will be stored in a folder located in saved\ named after the research_group. In this folder, each model is sorted after the type of network (regression, convolution) and loss function for more clarity. With each model comes a loss evolution plot to summarize the settings and the best loss/standard deviation obtained.


After training your network, you can use test_network.py to test the network on the data. The file also generates a plot to see if the predicted angle is correct, but I suggest you compute the standard deviation to know if the network works as intended.

Training period

During the training period you should see a bar indicating the number of batch already used, and the value of the loss. Once the training is over, a graph should appear with the evolution of the loss during the training, like the one below:


You can use these data yourself and try obtaining similar results.

Note: Sigma indicates the standard deviation, a much more accurate representation of the accuracy of the network. A value of 0.1 for example is actually not good since the values of the angles are normalised over 2*pi. Therefore, you have to multiply by 360 to get it in degree, giving a standard deviation of 36°.

Prediction on some patches

Below is an example of angle predictions on few patches from a synthetic dataset.


Switching between branches

It can be interesting to switch between the double-dot branch and the pure-synthetic branch. The point is to train the network on synthetic data and then test it on experimental one. You could also fit tune the network this way. Switching between branches is easy since they can generate independent files (tensors and NN models). I decided to not merge them for this very reason, but also because they differ a lot. Instead, I rebased the double-dot branch as the default one, and rename the main branch as pure-synthetic.

Note you do not have to switch to the pure-synthetic branch to train a neural network with synthetic data. You can indeed specify this option in settings.yaml in the double-dot branch.