Ways to take state tests unrestricted.
We are trying to get almost every state, if you have a different state, open a issue with the title of your state and provide AS MUCH DETAIL AS POSSIBLE about how you take your state tests.
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This is the first one bc I live in that state lol
The first thing you need to know is the way that the NCTest app was made was really stupid, it pretty much just iframes a existing page that you can search on google
The link there in question is data.ncsu.edu/nctest/Destination.html, but if you click on the NCTest login, you would be blocked from logging in with this message.
Thank goodness the devs behind it for some reason added comments to their code, so we can exploit this. This function checks the user agent and deterimes if the test taker is in a "secure" testing environment. This only checks the first 6 characters of the user agent and if it is NCTest
. Note this is a very simple way of how it works, so here are two ways to bypass and get this running.
//check useragent for our custom chrome app string
function onMessage(e) {
appWindow = e.source;
appOrigin = e.origin;
oldAgent = navigator.userAgent;
//customizing useragent due to sporadic issue of not being overwritten in chrome app
if ( navigator.userAgent.substring(0, 6) !== "NCTest" ) {
Object.defineProperty(navigator, 'userAgent', {
get: function () { return "NCTest/1.0 ChromeApp " + oldAgent; }
Source: data.ncsu.edu/nctest/common.js Archived: pastebin.com/gVAUnkwW
This is a much easy way without having to spoof useragents, this also depends if you can install the app on your device, this can work on Windows and Linux, but sometimes it does break, relaunching does seem to fix the issue of getting blocked.
If you are on a Chromebook
If you are on Linux/Windows
Note If it still shows the block scren, close the app and reopen it.
In this app, you can use keybinds suck as alt
to change windows while taking the test. I did not figure out how to resize the window, it seems it is locked to fill the screen.
This is a little more tricky. It ininvoles getting your current useragent and spoofing it with a extension.
Chrome: User-Agent Switcher for Chrome
Firefox: User-Agent Switcher and Manager
More ways to change: How to Change User Agents in Chrome, Edge, Safari & Firefox
"NCTest/1.0 ChromeApp
to the start of it.So if your useragent is
YeetOS/5.0 (X11; AmongOS x86_64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/114.0
you would change it to
NCTest/1.0 ChromeApp YourMom/5.0 (X11; AmongOS x86_64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/114.0
Further Reading:
Here is how to bypass the exams for wisconsin.
Forward Exams are provided through DRC Insight, which can be accessed here. However, it hides the test sign-in option if the client is not in the designated kiosk. However, this is done on the client-side, and as any developer knows, you should never trust the client side. Looking through the code, the following line immediately jumps out:
<a href="https://github.com/3kh0/state-test/blob/main/WI/?adminId=553270&index=1#portal/wi/553270/exam" id="testLink1" index="1" class="hide-link">Test Sign In</a>
Right there, see it? class="hide-link"
. I threw together a little script to remove the class, and it ended up looking like this:
var a = document.getElementsByClassName("hide-link"); for(b in a){if(b<=a.length)
In bookmarklet form:
javascript:(function()%7Bvar a %3D document.getElementsByClassName("hide-link")%3B for(b in a)%7Bif(b<%3Da.length)%0Adocument.getElementsByClassName("hide-link")%5Bb%5D.className%3Ddocument.getElementsByClassName("hide-link")%5Bb%5D.className.replace("hide-link"%2C"")%7D%7D)()%3B
Just run the script and the hidden options will show up. Enjoy!
STAR tests are handled through Renaissance Learning, which doesn't have any browser restrictions. Access it here and sign in with your normal credentials. If a monitor password is needed to start the test, enter admin
(very secure, I know).
All state assesments done in Californian public schools are done with California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) secure test browser. This "secure" browser acts like every other test browser, limiting the use of the system.
Luckily, you literally don't even need to use the secure browser! The login page is available here, and from my understanding, you are able to access everything you normally would on the test browser, without restrictions.
Bypassing in Georgia.
Forward Exams are provided through DRC Insight, which can be accessed here. However, it hides the test sign-in option if the client is not in the designated kiosk. However, this is done on the client-side, and as any developer knows, you should never trust the client side. Looking through the code, the following line immediately jumps out:
<a href="https://github.com/3kh0/state-test/blob/main/GA/?adminId=553270&index=1#portal/ga/553270/exam" id="testLink1" index="1" class="hide-link">Test Sign In</a>
Right there, see it? class="hide-link"
. I threw together a little script to remove the class (using jquery), and it ended up looking like this:
Array.from($('.hide-link')).forEach(t => $(t).removeClass('hide-link'));
In bookmarklet form:
Just run the script and the hidden options will show up. Enjoy!
Just like California, you can easily access everything with no restrictions.
There are no checks, unlike most other test programs. You can just go to TestNav here and then select Minnesota. As far as I know, there are no restrictions when using the website whatsoever.