3scale-ops / marin3r

Lightweight, CRD based envoy control plane for kubernetes
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Lighweight, CRD based Envoy control plane for Kubernetes:

Table of Contents


MARIN3R is a Kubernetes operator to manage a fleet of Envoy proxies within a Kubernetes cluster. It takes care of the deployment of the proxies and manages their configuration, feeding it to them through a discovery service using Envoy's xDS protocol. This allows for dynamic reconfiguration of the proxies without any reloads or restarts, favoring the ability to perform configuration changes in a non-disruptive way.

Users can write their Envoy configurations by making use of Kubernetes Custom Resources that the operator will watch and make available to the proxies through the discovery service. Configurations are defined making direct use of Envoy's v3 APIs so anything supported in the Envoy APIs is available in MARIN3R. See the configuration section or the API reference for more details.

A great way to use this project is to have your own operator generating the Envoy configurations that your platform/service requires by making use of MARIN3R APIs. This way you can just focus on developing the Envoy configurations you need and let MARIN3R take care of the rest.

Getting started


MARIN3R can be installed either by using kustomize or by using Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM). We recommend using OLM installation whenever possible.

Install using OLM

OLM is installed by default in Openshift 4.x clusters. For any other Kubernetes flavor, check if it is already installed in your cluster. If not, you can easily do so by following the OLM install guide.

Once OLM is installed in your cluster, you can proceed with the operator installation by applying the install manifests. This will create a namespaced install of MARIN3R that will only watch for resources in the default namespace, with the operator deployed in the marin3r-system namespace. Modify the field spec.targetNamespaces of the OperatorGroup resource in examples/quickstart/olm-install.yaml to modify the namespaces that MARIN3R will watch. A cluster scoped installation through OLM is currently not supported (check the kustomize based installation for cluster scope installation of the operator).

kubectl apply -f examples/quickstart/olm-install.yaml

Wait until you see the following Pods running:

▶ kubectl -n marin3r-system get pods | grep Running
marin3r-catalog-qsx9t                                             1/1     Running     0          103s
marin3r-controller-manager-5f97f86fc5-qbp6d                       2/2     Running     0          42s
marin3r-controller-webhook-5d4d855859-67zr6                       1/1     Running     0          42s
marin3r-controller-webhook-5d4d855859-6972h                       1/1     Running     0          42s

Install using kustomize

This method will install MARIN3R with cluster scope permissions in your cluster. It requires cert-manager to be present in the cluster.

To install cert-manager you can execute the following command in the root directory of this repository:

make deploy-cert-manager

You can also refer to the cert-manager install documentation.

Once cert-manager is available in the cluster, you can install MARIN3R by issuing the following command:

kustomize build config/default | kubectl apply -f -

After a while you should see the following Pods running:

▶ kubectl -n marin3r-system get pods
NAME                                          READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
marin3r-controller-manager-6c45f7675f-cs6dq   2/2     Running   0          31s
marin3r-controller-webhook-684bf5bbfd-cp2x4   1/1     Running   0          31s
marin3r-controller-webhook-684bf5bbfd-zdvrk   1/1     Running   0          31s

Deploy a discovery service

A discovery service is a Pod that users need to deploy in their namespaces to provide such namespaces with the ability to configure Envoy proxies dynamically using configurations loaded from Kubernetes Custom Resources. This Pod runs a couple of Kubernetes controllers as well as an Envoy xDS server. To deploy a discovery service users make use of the DiscoveryService custom resource that MARIN3R provides. The DiscoveryService is a namespace scoped resource, so one is required for each namespace where Envoy proxies are going to be deployed.

Continuing with our example, we are going to deploy a DiscoveryService resource in the default namespace of our cluster:

cat <<'EOF' | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: operator.marin3r.3scale.net/v1alpha1
kind: DiscoveryService
  name: discoveryservice
  namespace: default

After a while you should see the discovery service Pod running:

▶ kubectl -n default get pods
NAME                                READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
marin3r-discoveryservice-676b5cd7db-xk9rt   1/1     Running   0          4s

Next steps

After installing the operator and deploying a DiscoveryService into a namespace, you are ready to start deploying and configuring Envoy proxies within the namespace. You can review the different walkthroughs within this repo to learn more about MARIN3R and its capabilities.


API reference

The full MARIN3R API reference can be found here

EnvoyConfig custom resource

MARIN3R most core functionality is to feed the Envoy configurations defined in EnvoyConfig custom resources to an Envoy discovery service. The discovery service then sends the resources contained in those configurations to the Envoy proxies that identify themselves with the same nodeID defined in the EnvoyConfig resource.

Commented example of an EnvoyConfig resource:

cat <<'EOF' | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: marin3r.3scale.net/v1alpha1
kind: EnvoyConfig
  # name and namespace uniquelly identify an EnvoyConfig but are
  # not relevant in any other way
  name: config
  # nodeID indicates that the resources defined in this EnvoyConfig are relevant
  # to Envoy proxies that identify themselves to the discovery service with the same
  # nodeID. The nodeID of an Envoy proxy can be specified using the "--node-id" command
  # line flag
  nodeID: proxy
  # resources is where users can write the different type of resources supported by MARIN3R
    # type "secret" field holds references to Kubernetes Secrets. Only Secrets of type
    # "kubernetes.io/tls" can be referenced. Any certificate referenced from another Envoy
    # resource (for example a listener or a cluster) needs to be present here so marin3r
    # knows where to get the certificate from.
    - type: secret
      # generateFromTlsSecret is the name of the kubernetes Secret that holds the certificate and by which it can be
      # referenced to from other resources
      generateFromTlsSecret: certificate
      # use "tlsCertificate" to generate a secret for a tlsCertificate (https://www.envoyproxy.io/docs/envoy/latest/api-v3/extensions/transport_sockets/tls/v3/common.proto#extensions-transport-sockets-tls-v3-tlscertificate)
      # use "validationContext" to generate a secret for a validationContext (https://www.envoyproxy.io/docs/envoy/latest/api-v3/extensions/transport_sockets/tls/v3/common.proto#extensions-transport-sockets-tls-v3-certificatevalidationcontext)
      blueprint: tlsCertificate

    # type "endpoint" is an Envoy ClusterLoadAssignment resource type.
    # API V3 reference: https://www.envoyproxy.io/docs/envoy/latest/api-v3/config/endpoint/v3/endpoint.proto
    - type: endpoint
        clusterName: cluster
        - lbEndpoints:
          - endpoint:
                  portValue: 8080

    # type "endpoint" also supports dynamic discovery of endpoints by watching EndpointSlice kubernetes resources.
    - type: endpoint
            kubernetes.io/service-name: my-service
        clusterName: cluster
        targetPort: http

    # type "cluster" is an Envoy Cluster resource type.
    # API V3 reference: https://www.envoyproxy.io/docs/envoy/latest/api-v3/config/cluster/v3/cluster.proto
    - type: cluster
        name: cluster
        type: STRICT_DNS
        connectTimeout: 2s
          clusterName: cluster1
          endpoints: []

    # type "route" is an Envoy Route resource type.
    # API V3 reference: https://www.envoyproxy.io/docs/envoy/latest/api-v3/config/route/v3/route.proto
    - type: route
        name: route1
        - name: vhost
          - "*"
          - match:
              prefix: "/"
              status: 200

    # type "scopedRoutes" is an Envoy Scoped Route resource type.
    # API V3 reference: https://www.envoyproxy.io/docs/envoy/latest/api-v3/config/route/v3/scoped_route.proto
    - type: scopedRoute
        name: scoped_route1
        route_configuration_name: route1
          - string_key: test

    # type "listener" is an Envoy Listener resource type.
    # API V3 reference: https://www.envoyproxy.io/docs/envoy/latest/api-v3/config/listener/v3/listener.proto
    - type: listener
        name: listener1
            portValue: 8443

    # type "runtime" is an Envoy Runtime resource type.
    # API V3 reference: https://www.envoyproxy.io/docs/envoy/latest/api-v3/service/runtime/v3/rtds.proto
    - type: runtime
        name: runtime1
          static_layer_0: value

    # type "extensionConfig" is an Envoy ExtensionConfig resource type
    # API V3 reference: https://www.envoyproxy.io/docs/envoy/latest/api-v3/config/core/v3/extension.proto
    - type: extensionConfig
        name: http_filter1
          "@type": type.googleapis.com/envoy.extensions.filters.http.router.v3.Router
          dynamic_stats: false


Secrets are treated in a special way by MARIN3R as they contain sensitive information. Instead of directly declaring an Envoy API secret resource in the EnvoyConfig CR, you have to reference a Kubernetes Secret, which should exists in the same namespace. MARIN3R expects this Secret to be of type kubernetes.io/tls and will load it into an Envoy secret resource. This way you avoid having to insert sensitive data into the EnvoyConfig resources and allows you to use your regular kubernetes Secret management workflow for sensitive data.

Other approach that can be used is to create certificates using cert-manager because cert-manager also uses kubernetes.io/tls Secrets to store the certificates it generates. You just need to point the references in your EnvoyConfig to the proper cert-manager generated Secret.

To use a certificate from a kubernetes Secret refer it like this from an EnvoyConfig:

    - type: secret
      generateFromTlsSecret: certificate
      blueprint: tlsCertificate

This certificate can then be referenced in an Envoy cluster/listener with the following snippet (check the kuard example):

  name: envoy.transport_sockets.tls
    "@type": "type.googleapis.com/envoy.extensions.transport_sockets.tls.v3.DownstreamTlsContext"
        - name: certificate
          sds_config: { ads: {}, resource_api_version: "V3" }

Sidecar injection configuration

The MARIN3R mutating admission webhook will inject Envoy containers in any Pod annotated with marin3r.3scale.net/node-id and labelled with marin3r.3scale.net/status=enabled. The following annotations can be used in Pods to control the behavior of the sidecar injection:

annotations description default value
marin3r.3scale.net/node-id Envoy's node-id N/A
marin3r.3scale.net/cluster-id Envoy's cluster-id same as node-id
marin3r.3scale.net/envoy-api-version Envoy's API version (only v3 allowed) v3
marin3r.3scale.net/container-name the name of the Envoy sidecar envoy-sidecar
marin3r.3scale.net/ports the exposed ports in the Envoy sidecar N/A
marin3r.3scale.net/host-port-mappings Envoy sidecar ports that will be mapped to the host. This is used for local development, no recommended for production use. N/A
marin3r.3scale.net/envoy-image the Envoy image to be used in the injected sidecar container envoyproxy/envoy:v1.20.0
marin3r.3scale.net/config-volume the Pod volume where the ads-configmap will be mounted envoy-sidecar-bootstrap
marin3r.3scale.net/tls-volume the Pod volume where the marin3r client certificate will be mounted. envoy-sidecar-tls
marin3r.3scale.net/client-certificate the marin3r client certificate to use to authenticate to the marin3r control plane (marin3r uses mTLS)) envoy-sidecar-client-cert
marin3r.3scale.net/envoy-extra-args extra command line arguments to pass to the Envoy sidecar container ""
marin3r.3scale.net/admin.port Envoy's admin port 9901
marin3r.3scale.net/resources.limits.cpu Envoy sidecar container resource cpu limits. See syntax format to specify the resource quantity N/A
marin3r.3scale.net/admin.port Envoy's admin api port 9901
marin3r.3scale.net/admin.bind-address Envoy's admin api bind address
marin3r.3scale.net/admin.access-log-path Envoy's admin api access logs path /dev/null
marin3r.3scale.net/resources.limits.memory Envoy sidecar container resource memory limits. See syntax format to specify the resource quantity N/A
marin3r.3scale.net/resources.requests.cpu Envoy sidecar container resource cpu requests. See syntax format to specify the resource quantity N/A
marin3r.3scale.net/resources.requests.memory Envoy sidecar container resource memory requests. See syntax format to specify the resource quantity N/A
marin3r.3scale.net/shutdown-manager.enabled Enable or disables Envoy shutdown manager for graceful shutdown of the Envoy server (true/false) false
marin3r.3scale.net/shutdown-manager.port Envoy's shutdown manager server port 8090
marin3r.3scale.net/shutdown-manager.image Envoy's shutdown manager image If unset, the operator will select the appropriate image
marin3r.3scale.net/init-manager.image Envoy's init manager image If unset, the operator will select the appropriate image
marin3r.3scale.net/shutdown-manager.extra-lifecycle-hooks Comma separated list of container names whose stop should be coordinated with the shutdown-manager. You usually would want to add containers that act as upstream clusters for the Envoy sidecar N/A
marin3r.3scale.net/shutdown-manager.drain-time The time in seconds that Envoy will drain connections during a shutdown or when individual listeners are being modified or removed via LDS. 300
marin3r.3scale.net/shutdown-manager.drain-strategy Determine behaviour of Envoy during the shutdown drain sequence https://www.envoyproxy.io/docs/envoy/latest/operations/cli#cmdoption-drain-strategy gradual

marin3r.3scale.net/ports syntax

The port syntax is a comma-separated list of name:port[:protocol] as in "envoy-http:1080,envoy-https:1443".

marin3r.3scale.net/host-port-mappings syntax

The host-port-mappings syntax is a comma-separated list of container-port-name:host-port-number as in "envoy-http:1080,envoy-https:1443".